Happy Thursday!
We've got some really interesting links for you this week and some other news too! We passed the 2,000 subscriber mark in part thanks to Hacker News and Reddit users. Great to see you all and thanks for joining
We are really keen on continual improvement though, so we would love to have your ideas on what else you want from PHP Weekly. If you have any ideas for other sections or content then please let me know. In addition, we have a competition this week to win a Kindle, thanks to SourceGuardian for this - we want to get the word out to as many people as we can in the PHP community, so please read the competition section.
Have a wonderful weekend and please keep the emails coming. We reply to everyone who emails us!
Katie |
Full Test Coverage is Impractical
Many developers claim that to achieve high quality software, developers must create automated tests that ensure all possible execution routes have been covered. This is also known as full path coverage. Anna Filina argues that different types of software require different testing approaches and that full path coverage is impractical in almost every case.
phpDay 2013 - News and Highlights
Last week the phpDay 2013 conference took place, in Verona. For those who missed it, read here some of the talk highlights.
The Next 10 Starts Now
All around the globe today, people are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first WordPress release, affectionately known as #wp10.
My Contribution to Mentoring in the PHP Community
Davey Shafik offers help and advice to those looking to join the speaking circuit.
Master Developers: Christian Heilmann
Currently working as a principal technical evangelist at Mozilla, he’s literally written the book on developer evangelism and offers up some insightful nuggets on his work.
Zend Survey of PHP Developers
Zend's latest survey of PHP developers reveals that open standards have become the norm for mobile app development, and that meeting the frequent release cycles mobile apps require is frequently a problem. A growing number of PHP devs intend to deploy to the cloud.
WebSmart Flattens the PHP Learning Curve
When it comes to learning PHP, there is no shortage of information available on the Web. Learn how the WebSmart PHP package from BCD provides a way to learn PHP in an environment that is both structured and productive.
Web Hosting with PHP and MySQL Support: Best Web Hosting for PHP and MySQL Announced by ThreeHosts.com
Considering important criteria for PHP and MySQL hosting, Threehosts.com releases which web hosting service is better to choose.
Tutorials and Talks
UA Testing with Selenium and PHPUnit
Selenium is a tool that allows you to continuously test user interfaces of web applications.
Database Connection Failed Mysqlnd Cannot Connect To MySQL
Ever had this error when using MySQL and PHP mysqlnd? This article shows how to solve a common issue.
Simulating Multiple Inheritance With PHP Traits
The PHP language, like java, does not natively support multiple inheritance. For some this is a problem for which many solutions have been posted. Here is one solution that makes use of PHP traits.
Test For Prime Numbers With PHP Regular Expression
Here is a simple little trick to check if a number is prime using regular expressions. This function builds a string of 1's and repeats them for the length of the number, and tests again that string.
Openbiz Cubi: A Robust PHP Application Framework, Part 2
In the first part of this series we talked about the development challenges we face and how Openbiz Cubi can help by providing a solid, ready-to-use web application framework. In this part we’ll see how to build our own module and dive a bit deeper into the core architecture of the framework.
Extract OLE Objects from an Access Database using PHP, Part 1
In this article we’ll see how PHP can be used to extract objects from two OLE types: packages and Acrobat PDF documents. This is the first part of a two-part series in which we’ll look at OLE packages, which, as we’ll see, can be identified as either “Package” or “Packager Shell Object”.
XPath Expert Needed
In the PHPCR implementation using Doctrine DBAL we support search queries by converting the SQL2/QOM statements into XPath queries that we run on the XML stored in an RDBMS. Sounds insane, yes .. but it works pretty well .. Learn more from Lukas Kahwe Smith.
How to Redirect Visitors to a Maintenance Page During Website Maintenance Using .htaccess
Sometimes we come across websites with messages like "Website is under maintenance", "Website is temporarily shutdown", "We are upgrading our server please come back soon" etc. Have you ever come across this kind of thing whilst surfing the web? Samiullah Muhammed shows you how to redirect visitors whilst your website needs any kind of work.
Let's Build a Lightweight Blog System, Part 1
In this tutorial, we will be making a lightweight blog system with PHP and CSS3. In this first part, we are going to write the PHP backend, and in part 2, we will code the HTML and CSS.
Queuing with RabbitMQ and PHP
There are many times that you want to write background processes and queue up the tasks so that they can be handled in sequential order. There are any number of queues available for software developers, RabbitMQ being one of them. Besides the fact that the queue is designed to re-queue messages that are unsuccessfully delivered, RabbitMQ is fast and efficient.
10 Steps to Properly Perform PHP Bug Tracking and Fixing as Fast as Possible
Read this article to learn about a several good practices that you can apply to track bugs in production code, so you can fix them before it is too late.
Win a Kindle

Thanks to SourceGuardian we are able to run a competition this week. All we need you to do is put a Tweet, Facebook post or Blog about us linking through to our site (www.phpweekly.com) and let us know about it. We'll then draw a random person on Wednesday 5th June and will arrange to deliver a Kindle straight to the lucky winner. |
News and Announcements
PHP 5.5.0RC2 is available
The PHP development team announces the availability of the second release candidate of PHP 5.5. This release fixes some bugs against RC1 and improves overall stability.
Phix 0.16.0 Released
Phix is a tool for creating and managing PHP components and tools and releasing them as PEAR packages.
PHP 2013 ZendCon October 7-10th Santa Clara, CA
The 9th Annual ZendCon will bring together developers, IT managers and PHP experts from around the world. With a focus on PHP, mobile and cloud development, attendees at this highly acclaimed conference will expand their skills and explore new technologies.
Java and PHP Cloud Apps With CRON Inside
The version 1.9.1 release of the Jelastic cloud application hosting platform arrives this week with its promise of "ultra-scalable" functionality and a "fundamentally new approach" to Java and PHP hosting.
PC Soft software development products (IDE + AML) version 18 has just been released
PC Soft has released the next version of its ground breaking suite of software development products (IDE + AML). Using the PC Soft AML products gives you all the tools you need for design, development, mock-up, documentation, 5GL RAD, release, tune-up, testing, translation, distribution and maintenance on software projects.
FrOSCon August 24-25th Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin
The 8th Annual Free Software and Open Source Conference is an exciting program of lectures and workshops for visitors of all ages, including an exhibition with stands of open source projects.
Laravel 4.0 Officially Released
The PHP Framework for Web Artisans just got Four Times Better.
Reading and Viewing
Magento PHP Developer's Guide (by Allan Magregor, published May 31st)
Get started with the flexible and powerful e-commerce framework, Magento.
PHP Array Filtering (by Sam Hennessy, published May 22nd)
For both beginner and advanced PHP programmers, this series will break the language down into smaller chunks and make sure you learn everything about PHP. You will learn about each feature using real world scenarios that feature fully functioning PHP code.
Instant Hands-on Testing with PHPUnit How-to (by Michael Lively, published May 23rd)
This book will teach you how to install PHPUnit using the PEAR package manager, as well as some alternative ways.
Better Documentation for PHP internals - Lately in PHP Podcast Episode 35
With the inclusion of Zend Optimizer+ extension in PHP 5.5, the need for better PHP internal documentation is evident. Hear this and other topics discussed by Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert in episode 35 of the Lately In PHP podcast.
Top 5 PHP Frameworks - Infographic
There are a great deal of frameworks, PHP ones in particular, fighting for developers attention. Zfort Group is an interested party in terms of choosing the best PHP frameworks for our custom PHP projects and internal ones as well. So we are continually investigating trends, developers’ voting, forums, reviews, ratings, etc. We collected unique and very interesting information and it could be really helpful to the PHP community. So the following infographical analysis of top 5 PHP frameworks is at your disposal.
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
A collection of CakePHP utility libraries
A PHP client driver for the RethinkDB query language (ReQL)
DutuPHP is a unified, object oriented API for PDO and mysqli under MIT open source license. DutuPHP supports PHP 5.3 and later versions
If you code in Perl then let me introduce you to perlweekly.com by Gabor Szabo. It's a great resource, bringing you a free, once a week e-mail round-up of hand-picked news and articles about Perl. |
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