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July 11, 2013

PHP code protection with our kind sponsors!
Hi there

We've added a jobs section in now, though only one in there at the moment! If you are hiring please let us know.  We are also wanting to expand so if you have ideas for articles or topics that would be useful to the PHP community please let me know.  We also could do with help in terms of pushing this newsletter out to people, so please keep helping us here and if you want to help out with PHP Weekly itself please let us know.  

All the best



Speaker & Attendee Feedback Of The Previous Laravel4 Talk Of NomadPHP June 2013
On Thursday 27th July 2013 (8pm CDT), NomadPHP hosted their 2nd talk which was about “Laravel 4” – the speaker being Phil Sturgeon. Also announced was the 2nd free ticket giveaway for this online event – made possible by the ever-awesome @NomadPHP organiser; Cal Evans. In this short article, the spotlight will be on the speaker and one of the attendees.

The PHP Popularity Puzzle
Depending on how you measure popularity, PHP is either the comeback kid or continuing a decline that started in 2010.

Language Indexes: PHP is on the rise...or is it?
PHP has, without a doubt, gained widespread popularity, but the scripting language no longer enjoys a very high hype factor. Just like Java, it has become mainstream in a positive sense. Nevertheless, some think that the popularity of PHP is already on a downwards trend with many programmers.

What's Continuous Deployment?
Thousands of years ago, back before people lived in houses and when dinosaurs still ruled the earth, software development took a long time. First, you did the design (figuring out what you want to do and how you’re going to do it). Then you wrote the code. Then you did testing (the stage of the project where people pretend to look over what you created but really don’t pay attention). This lead to changes, sometimes drastic changes, in what you did. Finally, you moved everything to production and went live (also known as final testing because now people are forced to pay attention).

Tutorials and Talks

How to Install the LLMP Stack (Linux, Lighttpd, MySQL and PHP) on Ubuntu 12.04
Lighttpd is an open source web server that powers numerous websites in the world, that focuses on increased performance and a light memory footprint. Together with the very popular MySQL database server and the PHP server side dynamic scripting language, Lighttpd is a strong alternative to the more resource intensive, but otherwise very powerful, LAMP stack.

What You May Not Know About PHP Session
When we access a website, it should usually have a mechanism to keep track of the status of the user on the site. There are several mechanisms supported by various server side languages to help track user status, such as session and cookie. Today we will talk about session.

Using GREP To Find Vulnerabilities in PHP
It’s a common misconception that companies need to purchase complicated and expensive software to find security vulnerabilities (bugs) within their applications. These specialised software applications, whether they be black-box or white-box, open-source or commercial, do make the process of finding security vulnerabilities easier and in some cases quicker.

Data Structures for PHP Devs: Trees
In a previous article I introduced two basic data structures: stack and queue. The article was well received so I’ve decided to share data structures in an intermittent on-going series here at PHPMaster. In this entry I’ll introduce you to trees, another data structure used in software design and architecture.

Saving PHP Sessions in Redis
Sessions allow a web-based application to maintain state across multiple HTTP requests. You can register any number of variables as session variables which are then typically stored in a temporary directory on the server, or passed to the client browser through cookies. Subsequent requests have access to the saved information and the application’s state is preserved across multiple requests.

Introduction To Subversion SVN PHP Tutorial
This document covers the creation, usage and management of the Subversion (SVN) versioning system. The installation of Subversion is beyond the scope of this tutorial, however, to make sure you have SVN installed, use this command.

Introduction to Preg in PHP
The PHP function, preg_grep, is used to search an array for specific patterns and then return a new array based on that filtering. There are two ways to return the results. You can return them as is, or you can invert them (instead of only returning what matches, it would only return what does not match).

PHP 5.5: Generators
Last month, the first stable version of PHP 5.5 was released. It introduced the yield keyword that allows the implementation of generators and coroutines.

Class Abstraction
PHP 5 introduces abstract classes and methods. Classes defined as abstract may not be instantiated, and any class that contains at least one abstract method must also be abstract. Methods defined as abstract simply declare the method's signature - they cannot define the implementation.

PHP Security Guide
Security is a measurement, not a characteristic. It is unfortunate that many software projects list security as a simple requirement to be met. Is it secure? This question is as subjective as asking if something is hot.

Integrating Node.js with PHP
It may be in vogue, but is there a practical reason to adopt Node.js? Lee Boynton shows how it can be used to add a real-time news feed to your PHP site.

PHP Exception Handling
Exception handling is used to change the normal flow of a code execution if a specified error (exceptional) condition occurs. This condition is called an exception.
News and Announcements

PHP 5.4.17 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.4.17. About 20 bugs were fixed. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

Nomad PHP 25th July 2013
The Nomad PHP virtual user group has announced the latest meeting - this time it's Corey Ballou presenting about realtime applications and WebSockets.

All Your Base Conference, 18th October 2013 Oxford, UK
A one day conference exploring noSQL technologies, RDBMS and client-side solutions, with talks from database creators and industry leaders.

PFCongres September 14th 2013 Utrecht, Holland
In it's 8th year, this Web Development Conference is a full day conference with a tutorial day on Friday 13th.

Northeast PHP Conference August 16-18th 2013, Boston USA
In it's 2nd year, the Northeast PHP Conference is a web developer conference focused on PHP, Web Technology and UX.

Reading and Viewing

PHP Data Persistence with Doctrine 2 ORM (Early Access Edition) (by Michael Romer, published 5th July 2013)
Doctrine 2 takes the pain out of dealing with relational databases in an object oriented programming world - and this book shows you how it works and how you can save time and money by simply coding less, while accomplishing more with Doctrine 2.

The PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks (2nd Edition)
The PHP Anthology will save you time, and eliminate the frustration of completing PHP tasks, with a comprehensive collection of ready-to-use solutions. If you're building web applications with PHP you'll never let this book out of your site!


If you have a position that needs filling, let us know and we will include it. The following one is primarily Python, but they do need PHP skills also:

Performance Telecom (UK) seek freelancer (Remote worker) - Python and PHP Developer

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Silex based simple helper to generate RESTful APIs and applications. Requires PHP 5.4.

Goutte - Web Scraping Library
Goutte is a library for scraping websites and extracting data. It provides a nice API that makes it easy to select specific elements from the remote pages.

Ubench - Micro Benchmarking Library
Ubench is a micro library for benchmarking your PHP code. It monitors execution time and memory usage.

Gaufrette - File System Abstraction Layer
Gaufrette is a PHP5 library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer. It makes it possible to work with local files, FTP servers, Amazon S3 and more in the same way. This permits you to develop your application without having to know how you are going to access your files in the future.

ColorJizz-PHP – Colour Manipulation Library
ColorJizz is a tiny library that can convert between different colour formats and do simple colour arithmetic.

The Array_column() PHP Userland Library
Earlier this year, Ben Ramsey wrote about how his patch for array_column() was merged into the development branch for PHP 5.5 in preparation for the beta release. He received a lot of great feedback and many kind words. Then, on June 20, the PHP team announced the general availability version of 5.5.0. With that, array_column() was released to the world for general use.

An easy-to-use PHP Unit Testing framework

Geocoder PHP Library is a library which helps you build geo-aware applications. It provides an abstraction layer for geocoding manipulations. The library is split in two parts: HttpAdapter and Provider and is really extensible.

A complete CouchDB query server written in PHP, EOCSvr stands for ElephantOnCouch Server.

An open source (LGPL) library for generating QR Code, 2-dimensional barcode. Based on libqrencode C library, it provides API for creating QR Code barcode images (PNG, JPEG thanks to GD2). Implemented purely in PHP, with no external dependencies (except GD2 if needed).

Auryn is a PHP dependency injection container (DIC). Use Auryn to bootstrap and wire together S.O.L.I.D., object-oriented PHP applications.

Pathogen is a library for path manipulation. Pathogen supports file system paths including Unix and Windows style paths, but is truly a general-purpose path implementation, capable of representing URI paths and other path-like structures while providing a comprehensive API.

Archer is a library for standardising PHP unit testing, continuous integration and documentation behaviour across multiple projects, using a convention-over-configuration approach. It brings together several high-quality libraries to help improve the quality of a project's test suite and reporting tools.

Async is an experimental library that abuses the new yield keyword in PHP 5.5 to implement something akin to the await keyword in C#. It's main component is a scheduler, with which actions (any callable object) can be registered to be run each time the scheduler 'ticks'.

Cinder is a Mozilla Licensed PHP ORM Layer.

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