Welcome to the latest @phpweekly news.
We start this week with a new podcast - the PHP Web Development Podcast with Mathew Kimani. In the first episode Mathew covers current PHP statistics.
Also we take a look at using the toolkit Serverless Framework with OpenWhisk PHP.
The 20th Oscon takes place next month in Portland. Tickets are currently on sale, with the Early Price discount ending on the 8th June.
Plus, if you are interested in Eloquent, we have a new course on connecting to a database with Laravel's Eloquent ORM.
And finally, we have an article about why you should be contributing to open source projects in 2018.
Enjoy your read!
Ade and Katie
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Top 100 PHP Functions
Here is a list of the most used PHP native functions, named and ranked from 1 to 100.
Why You Should Contribute to Open Source Projects in 2018
Open source can change your life. It has changed mine with Corcel, an Open Source project that I started in 2013 which changed who I am and how I live. Read this article to learn more the story of the project and how it became a passion for Open Source projects that is probably like yours.
PHP Developers: 4 Questions To Ask
In recent years, as the online industry has grown, PHP developers are becoming more important and sought after. It is important to know just what you are looking for in a developer and what a PHP programmer can do for your business. The language is seeing popularity steadily trend upwards with no signs of slowing down and the amount of developers that want to get started in the industry are innumerable. Here are 4 questions to ask to help find a PHP developer for your needs.
Tutorials and Talks
Convert your Bootstrap CSS to Tailwind with Tailwindo
I’ve recently been working on converting one of my side projects from Bootstrap to Tailwind and came across awssat/tailwindo. This package does precisely that – automatically converts Bootstrap component classes to Tailwind utility classes.
Using Enums in Laravel
I'm a big fan of enums. Having recently worked for a company who use C#, where enums are used extensively, I've got used to being able to reach for them and miss them when they're not available. Futhermore I've created a Laravel package called laravel-enum which allows you access helper functions such as listing keys and values, attaching descriptions to values, and validating requests which are expecting enum values. This guide walks through the process of installing the Laravel package and includes examples of usage and best practice.
Using Serverless Framework with OpenWhisk PHP
Serverless Framework is a toolkit to help you manage and deploy a serverless application. (Personally, I’m not a fan of the name as the word “Serverless” already has a meaning in the same space!) It’s a useful tool and supports all the major providers, though AWS Lambda seems to be first-among-equals. The OpenWhisk plugin for Serverless is maintained by the rather excellent James Thomas, so if you have any questions, ping him! As I build more complex PHP based OpenWhisk applications, I thought I’d explore how Serverless makes this easier.
Debugging Intermittent Test Failures with Bash and PHPUnit
If you’ve been writing PHPUnit tests for long, you’ve probably run into a time when a test works 90% of the time, but every now and then it throws an unexpected error or failure. If it happens only rarely, you might just get around it by re-running your test suite, but if you’ve got a large test suite or intermittent failures become really common, you probably need to address the issue. Here’s a quick tip for debugging tests like this.
Integration with NEM using PHP
We will learn how to use NEM blockchain to create wallets. We will integrate NEM with Laravel Framework and build the web app. You should be familiar with making apps with Laravel framework and you need a fresh Laravel Installation.
Boost Your Website Performance With PhpFastCache
In this article, we're going to explore the PhpFastCache library, which allows you to implement caching in your PHP applications. Thus, it helps to improve overall website performance and page load times.
Serverless and PHP: Introducing Bref
Serverless basically means “Running apps without worrying about servers”. Obviously there are still servers involved, the main difference is that you do not maintain the servers and reserve their capacity. They are scaled up or down automatically and you pay only for what you use. This article intends to explain what serverless means for web applications and more specifically for PHP.
The Art of The Error Message
The concept of “embracing failure” is big in the tech industry. Fail fast, fail often! is almost an industry mantra. But there’s an everyday type of failure that doesn’t get much attention in the product development process. That’s right. The humble error message.
Creating Multiple Windows for Slack on Your Mac Using Single-Site Browsers
Tighten is a consultancy. That means we're not just a product company; we also work on other people's applications and sites. Frequently, one or more of our developers will be tasked to work with the same client for months. Every day they wake up, open up Slack--which is the primary tool Tighten, as a remote company, uses to build culture and relationships--and switch to the client's Slack.
Exakat 1.2.9 Review
Exakat 1.2.9 is out with a truck load of new analyzers. While we are preparing actively for IPC in Berlin and DPC in Amsterdam, we took time to add no less than 5 new analyzers : Flexible Heredoc Syntax for PHP 7.3, Use the blind var, Inexistent compact, Type hinted reference and Type hint / default mismatch . That’s going to be the longest Exakat 1.2.9 review.
News and Announcements
CakePHP Conference - June 14-17th 2018, Nashville
CakeFest is organised for developers, managers and interested newcomers alike. Bringing a world of unique skill and talent together in a celebration and learning environment around the worlds most popular PHP framework. Celebrating over eleven years of success in the PHP and web development community, CakePHP’s 2018 conference will be an event not to miss. Tickets are on sale now.
Oscon - July 16-19th 2018, Portland
OSCON is the complete convergence of the technologies transforming industries today, and the developers, engineers, and business leaders who make it happen.The 20th Open Source Convention takes place next July. From architecture and performance, to security and data, get expert full stack programming training in open source languages, tools, and techniques. Tickets are on sale now, with the Early Price discount ending tomorrow.
PHP Detroit Conference - July 26-28th 2018, Livonia
PHPDetroit is a two-day, regional PHP conference that brings the community together to learn and grow. We're preceding the conference with a 2 track tutorial day that will feature 4 sessions covering various topics. We will also be running an UnCon alongside the main tracks on Friday and Saturday, where attendees can share unscheduled talks. Tickets are on sale now.
PHP Developer Days - September 21st-22nd 2018, Dresden
After a very successful edition in 2017 we aim to push this community driven conference to the next level in 2018. For the first time we will offer a full day with workshops, so you can get the most out of our excellent trainers. On the second day our international speakers will provide you with great sessions in a single track. We are committed to creating a unique community experience - an event where everyone is among #PHPriends.
Laracon AU - October 18-19th 2018, Sydney
Two days of learning and networking with the Laravel community in Australia for the first time. The two day conference will see us welcome some of the most prominent Laravel community members including Matt Stauffer, Adam Wathan, and the framework’s author Taylor Otwell as speakers alongside a host of terrific local speaking talent. Tickets are on sale now.
Three Devs and a Maybe Podcast - Software Design with Scott Wlaschin
In this weeks episode we are lucky to have Scott Wlaschin back on the show to discuss design within software. We start off by highlighting leaky abstractions, adopted tool-chains and transpiling languages into JavaScript. From here we move on to talk about what makes ‘good code’, and how evaluating this is heavily reliant on the requirements and context you are in. Finally, we discuss how OO and FP software architectures differ, advantages of being explicit over implicit and information-hiding at API boundaries.
This week Cal spoke to Brett Florio and the Foxy.io crew about the history behind the company and the roles each of them has within it.
Upon deeper dive into the release of Magento 2.2.4 features Kalen and Phillip as the all-important question: how much bundling of 3rd party integrations in Magento is too much? Is there a line and does the 2.2.4 release cross it? Listen now!
PHP in 2018
PHP in 2018 is a talk by PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf, which focuses on new features in PHP 7.2 and 7.3. We have some exciting low-level performance wins coming to PHP 7.3, which should be out late 2018. It’s highly encouraging that PHP’s focus is mainly on performance in the PHP 7.x releases.
New Course: Connect to a Database With Laravel's Eloquent ORM
In our new course, Connect to a Database With Laravel's Eloquent ORM, you'll learn all about Eloquent, which makes it easy to connect to relational data in a database and work with it using object-oriented models in your Laravel app. It is simple to set up, easy to use, and packs a lot of power.
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at katie@phpweekly.com |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Omeka S is a web publication system for universities, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. It consists of a local network of independently curated exhibits sharing a collaboratively built pool of items, media, and their metadata.
Simple patches plugin for Composer. Applies a patch from a local or remote file to any package required with composer.
This web application allows everybody without any particular knowledge required in webmastering to create his own website.
FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS feed aggregator. It is at the same time lightweight, easy to work with, powerful and customisable.
The Nex-Gen Private Torrent Tracker (Aimed For Movie /TV Use).
This library detects errors and exceptions in your application and reports them to Rollbar for alerts, reporting, and analysis.
Generating, validating and processing secure forms in PHP. Handy API, fully customisable, server & client side validation and mature design.
Crypt_GPG is a PHP package to interact with the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG).
A very simple session middleware for Slim Framework 3.
A free, open source software that lets you share files with your clients, focused on ease of use and privacy. It supports clients groups, system users roles, statistics, multiple languages, detailed logs... and much more!
The most popular open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution. ONC certified with international usage, OpenEMR's goal is a superior alternative to its proprietary counterparts.
A lightweight Content Management System (CMS) in PHP, Model-View-Controller oriented.
Crunz is a framework-agnostic package to schedule periodic tasks (cron jobs) in PHP using a fluent API.
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