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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Blast From The Past
Honestly, we did not expect to ever write about PEAR again. And you either did not expect to read about PEAR, or have never heard of PEAR before. Yet here we are.
Quform vs. FormCraft: Top WordPress Form Builder Plugins Compared
Without a doubt, Quform and FormCraft are two of the most popular and highly rated WordPress form builders on the market, but which of these two giants is right for you? Today, we take a peek under the hoods to see what makes these form builders so special. We'll identify the best features of each and help you decide which of them is the plugin you need.
Next Steps: Putting the Governance Task Force Recommendations into Action - Part 1
Towards the end of last year, the Governance Task Force concluded their six-month process and developed a list of thirteen recommendations for evolving Drupal's governance. This followed almost a year of efforts that engaged many stakeholders in the community to share thoughts on Drupal's governance model. Those recommendations were published in a blog, promoted by Dries, and made available in individual issues for community feedback. |
Tutorials and Talks
How To Kill Parents
I see too many skilled developers missing final in every class they use. So I reposed When to declare classes final - 4 years old post that shows you why. If you should learn just one skill this year, read and learn this one. It's easier said than done, but the more parents you kill, the better you get at it. Today, we look on 3 effective ways to kill them.
Navigation Bar Best Practices in WordPress
In this article, I'll show you how to ensure that your navigation bar works as well as it possibly can and is an enhancement to your site rather than an add-on.
xlsql Explained
xlsql refers to a simplified way to build web applications using Microsoft Excel, PHP and SQL. Specifically, an Excel spreadsheet can be configured to use the WEBSERVICE() function to send calculated user input to web services or to scripts that execute queries based on the input and return the query results back in to spreadsheet calculations.
Laravel 5.7 - Blade Layout Files
In this article, I will discuss how you should use blade layout files, Blade is driven by template inheritance and sections. It really is a great way in pulling certain layouts/content into a view. This makes sure you are not copying & pasting the same code into multiple views. Imaging you have to make one change in the source code, do you really want to go through every single view and update the source code? No, we don’t. That is not the best practice.
How to Change The Maximum Upload File Size in PHP?
The maximum size of any file that can be uploaded on a website written in PHP is determined by the values of max_size that can be posted or uploaded, mentioned in the php.ini file of the server.
Create a PHP Email Script and Form
In this tutorial, our focus will be on creating forms in PHP that are meant to serve other purposes like gathering information about a job applicant, booking hotel rooms, or getting information about marriage events from clients.
Hey WordPress Theme Developers, Are Your Themes Ready for the Gutenberg Block Editor?
Before WordPress 5.0 arrived I came across a few premium WordPress themes already advertising that they were ‘Gutenberg-ready’ or ‘Gutenberg-compatible’. Huh. But how could a theme not be compatible with the new block editor (formerly known as Gutenberg)? Surely themes just render whatever is in the post content with the theme’s own styling? Turns out there’s a bit more to it than that. In this post I’ll walk through what is necessary to make existing themes or create new themes that fully support the block editor.
410 Gone
410 Gone is a status code that can be used in cases where a resource is gone and never coming back. It’s a more specific version of 404 Not Found. A good example for using 410 instead of 404 is when a resource was intentionally removed.
Using img2lambda To Publish Your Serverless PHP Layer
This new img2lambda tool will take the layers of a Docker container and convert them to AWS layers for use in Lambda.
How to Create a WordPress Custom Dashboard for Yourself or Clients
No matter why you want to create a WordPress custom dashboard, this post is going to help you out. In it, you’ll learn how to customise all aspects of the WordPress dashboard.
Making a Podcast App
I love listening to podcasts, but I can’t find an app to play them in that I really enjoy using. When you think about it, there are a lot of moving parts to making on of these apps. Let’s explore them.
Using Drupal 8 Queues To Poll Orders From External APIs
Drupal 8 is a powerful CMS which offers so many things, from a fantastic mobile experience to seamless content management. This article presumes you have knowledge of PHP, Drupal 8, creating custom modules in Drupal 8 and the concept of restful APIs. |
News and Announcements
Symfony 3.4.22 Released
Symfony 3.4.22 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
GrumpyConf - March 22nd-23rd 2019, Ontario
Back for another edition, GrumpyConf 2019 is your opportunity to listen to some of the PHP communitys best speakers before lunch and then learn from them and other attendees via open spaces sessions. Tickets are on sale now.
DrupalCon - April 8-12th 2019, Seattle
DrupalCon gathers a range of citizens of the Drupal ecosystem to learn, share and collaborate together. The value of the conference is in the perspectives, energy and diversity of experiences participants share. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re invited to participate in DrupalCon. Tickets are on sale now.
Longhorn PHP Conference - 18-20th April 2019, Austin Texas
Longhorn PHP is a 3-day conference in Austin, Texas to help PHP developers level up their craft and connect with the larger PHP community. Our main goal as a conference is to equip attendees to be better developers. If you work with developers or alongside developers, we'll showcase tools and techniques to level up your ability to solve the problems you face every day. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
PHPKonf - May 4th 2019, Istanbul
PHPKonf should be one of the best PHP conferences where community members from around the world come together to learn and share information about the latest trends and technologies in professional PHP development. For the 6th year, we'll host some of the best speakers, awesome talk topics, latest technologies and up to date news in PHP. Tickets are on sale now.
Italian PHP Conference - May 10-11th 2019, Verona
PHP day is aimed at IT managers, developers and innovators. We'll show new development traits, best-practices and success cases related to quality, revision control, test-driven development, continuous integration and so on. There are also talks about design, project management, agile and various php-related technologies like Zend Framework, Symfony, Laravel, Drupal, WordPress and more. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
International PHP Conference - June 3rd-7th 2019, Berlin
The International PHP Conference is the world's first PHP conference and stands since more than a decade for top-notch pragmatic expertise in PHP and web technologies. At the IPC, internationally renowned experts from the PHP industry meet up with PHP users and developers from large and small companies. Here is the place where concepts emerge and ideas are born - the IPC signifies knowledge transfer at highest level. Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 107: Sam Selikoff - Pushing Complexity to the Client-Side
In this episode, Adam continues his discussion with Sam Selikoff about building single page applications, this time focusing on strategies for keeping your API layer as simple as possible, so all of your complexity lives in your client-side codebase instead of being spread across both.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 90: Back Off
Developers seem to have a peculiar need to protect their peers from themselves. While I've no doubt that this desire stems from a good place, you need to let people make their own mistakes.
LaraChat Live - Episode #40
This week Eric is joined by TJ Miller, JMac and Matt Lantz.
PHP Ugly Podcast #138: The Case of the Tainted Phar
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including Nikita Popov joins PhpStorm Team and The Xdebug Experience.
php[podcast] Episode 16: Remotely Working
Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon, Jennifer Wadella and Oscar Merida are featured in the first episode of 2019. Share your thoughts on the topics covered and leave a comment below.
Beachcast Tech Videos - Creating Hypermedia (HAL) for a REST API in Your PHP Project
We create Hypermedia example (HAL) for a REST API in a PHP project. Also talk a little about hypermedia meaning and its usages. |
Try These 3 Practical Projects to Learn WordPress Plugin Development
If you want to learn to code your own WordPress plugins, you should try our new course, 3 More Practical Projects to Learn WordPress Plugin Development. In this course with experienced WordPress developer Rachel McCollin, you'll create three practical projects to help you learn WordPress plugin development.
FriendsofPHP.org is Opening API with 250 Meetups a Month
Friendsofphp.org already checks over 1 145 PHP groups on meetup.com for new meetups every day. That's about 240 meetups in a single month - a great number, but some user groups don't use meetup.com. I spend last weekend adding 4 new sources for meetups... and while doing it, I thought: "why not make all that meetups and groups public in JSON"?
Diversity Initiative Governance, Donations and Speaker Mentoring
SymfonyCasts has published the video of my “One year diversity initiative” talk at SymfonyCon, which includes a transcript. As the title implies, this talk gives an overview of what was done in the first 12 months of the initiative. At the beginning I also talk about how I decided to get involved in this topic. This video is available for free.
A Week of Symfony #631 (28 January - 3 February 2019)
This week, Symfony 4.1.11 was released, marking the end of regular releases for the 4.1 branch. In addition, the Symfony Security Bug Bounty started this week. Lastly, the first speakers of SymfonyLive Paris 2019 conference were announced.
DDD Europe notes - Day 1
Matthias Noback shares his notes from Day 1 of Domain Driven Design Europe.
The Month in WordPress: January 2019
The momentum from December’s WordPress 5.0 release was maintained through January with some big announcements and significant updates. Read on to find out what happened in the WordPress project last month.
Cloudways Interview - David Greenwald Talks About WordPress Security and Hosting
Today I will be interviewing Mr. David Greenwald, who is a music critic, culture journalist, blogger and of course a WordPresser who will be sharing probably the most interesting story with us.
php[architect] Magazine February 2019 - Out On A Limb
Unless you’re building a custom application for yourself, sooner or later you’ll encounter feedback from users. It may be that your site is not always available, a task which is difficult to complete, or a piece of content that is not very inclusive. By listening to them, your web site is more useful in the long run. This issue collects articles to help your servers scale, improve site accessibility, find and replace old and unused code and more. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Welcome to the official repository for concrete5 development! concrete5 is an open source CMS built by people from around the world.
A package for automatically encrypting and decrypting Eloquent attributes in Laravel 5.5+, based on configuration settings.
A simple PHP and MySQL based internet forum that displays the messages in classical threaded view (tree structure).
Self-hosted disposable email service (php) using catch-all and imap.
Helps discover good candidates for refactoring.
Shortcode is a framework agnostic PHP library allowing to find, extract and process text fragments called "shortcodes" or "BBCodes".
A PHP wrapper to be used with Gitlabs API.
Empowering everyone to build reliable and loosely coupled web apps.
Cloudflare Bypass is a PHP library which allows you to bypass the CF UAM page using well known request methods.
Unofficial MyAnimeList PHP+REST API which provides functions other than the official API.
A full-stack component-based MVC kernel for PHP that helps you write powerful and modern web applications. Write less, have cleaner code and your work will bring you joy.
A PHP script that allows for you to go live on Instagram with any streaming program that supports RTMP! |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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