Here we are again PHP fans with your latest edition of
Joomla 3.9.3 was recently released, addressing 6 security vulnerabilities and 30 bug fixes and improvements.
Also out this week is the first release candidate for WordPress 5.1, as the release date for the new version draws near.
We have the latest episode in the Laravel 5.7 series, this week looking at controllers.
Plus we look at 8 PHP frameworks currently trending in 2019.
And finally we introduce you to, a weekly digest of security news with at least ten articles per issue.
Have a great weekend,
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
When I Started Writing PHP...
I don't know exactly when I started writing PHP. It was shortly after the start of my second quarter of my freshman year of college, when a newly-met friend of mine introduced me to PHP as an easier to understand alternative to Perl. That puts it, I think, somewhere in January or February of 1999. I thought it would be amusing (mostly at my expense) to look back a bit on just how much the PHP world has changed in the last two decades.
17 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins
Tame chaos and transform your content. If you want to showcase your content—posts, images, videos, audio files, and anything else you can think of - into an engaging experience for your website visitors, this article will help you do just that. Here, we are highlighting some of the best WordPress gallery plugins available on CodeCanyon.
Introducing the SymfonyInsight Portfolio
SymfonyInsight helps you create maintainable and robust Symfony projects by giving you actionable metrics and hints about your project’s code. However, while fixing actual code quality issues is definitely important, it is only a part of the problem.It does not deal with the other side of software quality: human organisation. Designing a solution to a problem requires a deep and clear understanding of this problem and the process in which this understanding happens is another potential source of quality improvement. This is the reason why we are introducing the SymfonyInsight Portfolio.
What is the Future of PHP?
Is there any future of PHP as a programming language? If you are looking to this query, you are at the right place. In this blog, we will find the answer to this query in an elaborative way! So, let’s begin.
8 PHP Frameworks To Look Out For in 2019
Given the ever-changing business needs of every organisation, new and flexible PHP frameworks are being introduced in the market. Here are a few frameworks that are trending in 2019.
It Depends
When I was younger, I had strong opinions about many subjects. I felt I was right about a great many things, and anyone who disagreed with me was wrong. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to realise in programming, and in life, so often things rely on a two word phrase that makes all the difference: it depends. |
Tutorials and Talks
Laravel 5.7 — Controllers
In our routes file, we may want to add more logic to a view, this could get tiresome with loads of code showing. We want to simplify how we work, Laravel allows us to do that, we can use a dedicated controller to add more logic to our routes/views.
Monorepo Composer Magic
Symfony is by far the best source to learn about the monorepo practice. I learned most just by looking into it's composer.json - monorepo and package one. Today, I'd like to share secrets behind biggest WTF that monorepo composer setup has.
Making a Development App
I like to code on the go, but I don’t always like to bring my laptop with me. So, I’ve tried many iPad apps centred around coding, Git repository management and code execution. There are some great apps out there, but none of them are as easy or useful as coding on a Unix or Linux operating system. Then, this week, I tried something new.
How to Create a WordPress Testimonial Slider
In this article, we’re going to explore how you could build a testimonial slider in your WordPress website. You’ll find a lot of plugins that can achieve this functionality, but we’ve chosen one of the best: Strong Testimonials.
Learn How to Migrate PHP Apps from Shared Hosting to Cloud
If you haven’t migrated PHP app to Cloud hosting and your website has recently experienced an attack on shared hosting provider, than you are the right person to read this article. Shared hosting sometimes create a lot of hassles that you can’t bear while running your online businesses. The situation may turn for worse when you don’t get proper support and get rid of the shit on time to suffer losses to your business.
Automatically Start Laravel Horizon with Vessel
If you're using the excellent Vessel by Chris Fidao and want Horizon to start automatically, tuck into this post.
Help! My Tests Stopped Working
Following the release of PHPUnit 8, some developers tweeted about changes that they hate in this new version. To a certain extent, I understand these problems and I can certainly relate to the frustration these developers experience. This article provides guidance on how to avoid such frustration in the future.
PHP Enums
An enumeration type, "enum" for short, is a data type to categorise named values. Enums can be used instead of hard coded strings to represent, for example, the status of a blog post in a structured and typed way. Today I want to explore some of the difficulties we encounter when solving problems like enums in userland.
Advanced Migration Workflow Tips For The Lazy WordPress Developer
Sure you migrate WordPress databases on the regular and have a pretty good idea of what you’re doing, but is there anything that could make your migrations go more quickly or smoothly? In this post, I’m going to help you level up your WordPress development workflow with some pro tips for the best product in the Delicious Brains lineup – WP Migrate DB Pro.
Server-side Apps with Client-side Rendering
These days there are two common architectural approaches to modern web app development: server-side rendered apps and single-page apps. My primary goal with this article isn't to compare these two approaches. Rather, I'd like to introduce a technique I've been using lately that blends my favourite parts of each approach: using client-side rendering in a server-side app.
Building a Vue SPA with Laravel
Building a Vue single page application (SPA) with Laravel is a beautiful combination for building clean API-driven applications. In this tutorial, we show you how to get up and running with Vue router and a Laravel backend for building a SPA.
412 Precondition Failed
In HTTP it’s possible to do conditional requests. These are requests that only execute if the right conditions are met. For GET requests, this might be done to only retrieve the resource if it has changed. For those cases 304 Not Modified is returned. For other cases, 412 Precondition Failed is returned. |
News and Announcements
Joomla 3.9.3 Release
Joomla 3.9.3 is now available. This is a security fix release for the 3.x series of Joomla which addresses 6 security vulnerabilities and contains 30 bug fixes and improvements.
WordPress 5.1 Release Candidate
The first release candidate for WordPress 5.1 is now available! This is an important milestone, as the release date for WordPress 5.1 draws near. “Release Candidate” means that the new version is ready for release, but with millions of users and thousands of plugins and themes, it’s possible something was missed.
JestPHP Conference - February 22nd 2019, Mesa Arizona
JestPHP is 1-day, 1-track, affordable, community conference for PHP developers in Arizona and beyond and it's happening tomorrow. Join us for a day of learning and laughter that you will not forget. Tickets on sale until tomorrow.
php[tek] Conference - May 21st-23rd 2019, Atlanta
Welcome to php[tek]! We are the longest running PHP and related technology conference in the United States. We focus on bringing the experts in the field to you, the PHP developer. Our speakers share their experience and knowledge to level up your game over three days, while we provide plenty of opportunity for networking with the community as well. Early Bird tickets sales end tomorrow.
PHP Serbia Conference - 25-26th May 2019, Belgrade
The Serbia PHP conference takes place in May. Super Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
SymfonyLive Warszawa June 11-14th 2019, Poland
Come for the conference to learn all about the latest developments with Symfony, share best practices, experience, knowledge and make new contacts with the great Symfony community from Poland! All talks will be in Polish, except for the Keynotes, which will be in English. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 108: Jonathan Reinink - Client-Side Rendering, Server-Side Routing
In this episode, Adam talks to Jonathan Reinink about a new approach he has been using to build Laravel and Vue.js apps that lets him match the UI fidelity of an SPA, without abandoning server-side routing or data fetching.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #187 - A Whole Inch-and-a-Half of Growth
The boys usher in their fifth year of MageTalk by talking about banana business ideas, the Magento Partner Kickoff, transparency, and how Phillip predicted the future. Listen Now!
PHP Ugly Podcast #140: A Valentines Disaster
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including Laravel 5.8 Deprecates String and Array Helpers.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 54: Logging Stacks, Proxying SQL and Database Clusters
In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss logging stacks in Laravel, ProxySQL and Galera Cluster, and state machines (which have started to grow on Michael). Thanks to this episode's sponsor, Andreas Hubenthal!
PHP Web Development Podcast EP#33 - Hexagonal Architecture with Marko Kunic
Continuing with our recent series we will be discussing Hexagonal Architecture with Marko Kunic, who is currently a Software Engineer at Lendable. Marko has been working professionally with PHP for several years. He enjoys doing open source and making other developers' jobs easier, loves helping people, learning new things and reading software books. |
Security Newsletter
A weekly e-mail keeping you up-to-date with security news, with about 10 items in every issue.
Keeping Up To Date With Information for Drupal Event Organisers
The events that every year bring us together all over the World are the lifeblood of our vibrant and diverse community. As an event organiser, I wanted to take the opportunity to bring to your attention a few things happening in the community that we hope will help you in your efforts.
A Week of Symfony #633 (11-17 February 2019)
This week, a coordinated community effort updated the Symfony translation files for lots of languages (we're still looking for contributors for some European and Asian languages). Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 4.3 version added a JSON validator and improved the form translation.
Turn Slow Sale Days into Exciting Ones with Ultimate Ecommerce Marketing Calendar
As an ecommerce store owner, it is crucial for you to have a strategy for each day of the year so that your sales don’t slow down. That’s why most online store owners come up with enticing plans that keep visitors engaged on the websites. They launch campaigns on different events, provide discounts, build hype around their best selling products, and repeat the whole cycle almost every month. Sometimes this process works and sometimes it doesn’t.
Learn MySQL Painlessly With This Online Master Class
What do Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google all have in common? Somewhere in their framework, they all use MySQL, that most versatile (and free!) of database management systems. And they're not alone. If your company or the one you'd like to work for wrangles data (and who doesn't?), they're going to need someone with a working knowledge of how to do that effectively. That's where the Complete MySQL Bootcamp comes in. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Flextype is an open source, fast and flexible file-based Content Management System that's easy to install, upgrade and use. Flextype provides amazing APIs for plugins, themes and core developers!
A PHP library implementing the Condorcet voting system and others methods like the Schulze method. And also a powerful election manager.
Contao is an Open Source PHP Content Management System. Contao Manager is a graphical tool to manage a Contao installation.
This package provides a command that can check all links on your laravel app. By default, it will log all links that do not return a status code in the 200- or 300-range. There's also an option to mail broken links.
This is an early-stage PHP parser designed, from the beginning, for IDE usage scenarios (see Design Goals for more details). There is still a ton of work to be done, so at this point, this repo mostly serves as an experiment and the start of a conversation.
FreeDSx is a pure PHP LDAP library. It has no requirement on the core PHP LDAP extension.
An open source, web based interface for managing domains/mailboxes/aliases etc on a Postfix based mail server.
Fink (pronounced "Phpink") is a command line tool for checking HTTP links written in PHP.
A modern, ultra lightweight and rocket fast Content Management System for SQLite, MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Laravel Chargeswarm is a Laravel Cashier-alike package that will help you befriend the bees and have a great SaaS system for your app. This package provides methods to create, update, cancel or resume subscriptions and also to handle the webhooks in style!
advanced RADIUS web management application aimed at managing hotspots and general-purpose ISP deployments. It features user management, graphical reporting, accounting, a billing engine and integrates with GoogleMaps for geo-locating.
PHP web application framework that simplifies the difficult parts of creating and maintaining a secure, scalable website. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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