Hi there PHP fans.
This week we're looking at the 5th part of the PSR-14 series, bringing together all the Providers from the previous parts.
We also learn how to create a "coming soon" landing page for before your WordPress site goes live.
The 7th PHP Serbia conference takes place at the end of next month, and this year talks and workshops are selected by the registered attendees. Early Bird tickets are still on sale.
Plus in the latest PHP Internals News podcast, Derrick Rethans talked to Remi Collet about the work he does to improve the quality of PHP.
Have a great weekend folks!
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Node.js vs PHP: An Epic Battle for Developer Mindshare
It’s a classic Hollywood plot: the battle between two old friends who went separate ways. Often the friction begins when one pal sparks an interest in what had always been the other pal’s unspoken domain. In the programming language version of this movie, it’s the introduction of Node.js that turns the buddy flick into a grudge match: PHP and JavaScript, two partners who once ruled the internet together but now duke it out for the mind share of developers.
5 Best Reasons to Opt for PHP Web Development
Many companies now are choosing PHP web development to realise their IT needs. According to research, almost 83 percent of web services are using PHP, and it is the preferred choice of industry stalwarts such as BlaBlaCar, Slack, and Spotify. PHP is open source and comes with a great community, and it is continuously upgrading. There is no doubt about the same.
The Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins to Create Online Stores
Is it good or bad to use WordPress for ecommerce? Recently I found myself in an ecommerce community where members were debating the merits of WordPress as an ecommerce platform. I wanted to know their opinions about WordPress so I asked for their feedback in no uncertain terms. Some members were naive enough to comment that WordPress is only good for setting up blogs. So, I decided to clear their oversimplified ideas about WordPress. |
Tutorials and Talks
WooCommerce Signups with Gravity Forms
When customers buy things through your WooCommerce shop, they can sign up to your website right there in the checkout. But if you want to control the signup process, a better option can be Gravity Forms.
Building a RESTful API Using ReactPHP: JWT Authentication
Previously we have used Basic HTTP Authentication to protect our RESTful API. This authentication method is pretty simple, but in most cases, it can be used only in the internal network with server-to-server communication. For example, we can’t store Basic Authentication credentials to mobile devices.
Significant Symbols
Last week a person on the #php IRC channel on freenode, mentioned that he had problems loading some extensions with his self-compiled PHP binary.
How to Create a ‘Coming Soon’ Landing Page in WordPress Using Plugin
A ‘coming soon’ page is a perfect statement of intent before your WordPress site goes live. It gives visitors key information about your site and lets them know when it will be live. Plus, you’ll be able to get a head-start on lead generation and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). What’s more, it can be very easy to set up if you use the right tools.
Removing Static - There and Back Again
The more companies I meet, the more I see static and new everywhere. Not like new Product, but rather new ProductRepository(new Database()). Not just Laravel, but across all PHP frameworks. I wish frameworks could prevent antipatterns, but they don't, do they? Instead of "refactor all the things" step by step, class by class, I'd like share my thoughts when exploring full automated path. I look for feedback to improve this process.
How to Run PHP 8 with JIT Support Using Docker
In this post, I will show you how you can start using PHP 8 with JIT support with just one command using Docker.
How to Create an Exit Popup With the Layered Popup Plugin for WordPress
Exit popups are messages that are shown to visitors when they are about to leave a website. They are mostly used to encourage visitors to complete their purchase or make a visitor subscribe to an email list, or simply make them stick around longer by suggesting products or content they might be interested in. They can also be used to ask for feedback about your site.
421 Misdirected Request
A server should emit 421 Misdirected Request when it receives a HTTP request that was not intended for that server.
PSR-14: Compound Providers
In part 3 of this series we looked at the more common patterns of Providers that may be used with a PSR-14 Event Dispatcher. In part 4 we looked at some more complex cases of Providers. Today, we'll bring them all together: Literally.
A PHP Compiler, aka The FFI Rabbit Hole
It’s no secret that I’m into building toy compilers and programming languages. Today I’m introducing something that’s not a toy (I hope). Today, I’m introducing php-compiler (among many other projects). My hope is that these projects will grow from experimental status into fully production ready systems.
SES vs Mailgun vs SendGrid: An Honest Look at WordPress Transactional Email Options
It’s no secret that we love Amazon SES – we released a plugin that specifically helps you set it up on your WordPress site. But it’s also worth looking at what else is around, and how they stack up against the tools we know and love. In this week’s article we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest competitors to Amazon SES, (Mailgun and SendGrid), and see how they compare.
How to Join Multiple Table in Laravel 5.8
This is one more tutorial on Laravel 5.8 framework and in this post you can find how to join multiple table in Laravel 5.8 framework. |
News and Announcements
php[tek] Conference - May 21st-23rd 2019, Atlanta
Welcome to php[tek]! We are the longest running PHP and related technology conference in the United States. We focus on bringing the experts in the field to you, the PHP developer. Our speakers share their experience and knowledge to level up your game over three days, while we provide plenty of opportunity for networking with the community as well. Tickets are on sale now.
Laracon EU - May 23rd 2019, Madrid
Laracon EU hosts multiple annual conferences where the international Laravel PHP community celebrates together. It's an unforgettable experience where we meet with friends, network for business and gain opportunities while learning about modern web development. This is a one-day conference in Madrid. Tickets are on sale now.
PHP Serbia Conference - 25-26th May 2019, Belgrade
The Serbia PHP conference takes place in May. In this community organised 7th edition of the conference, the novelty is Community selected talks. We decided to include, for the first time ever, all the registered attendees in the process for selecting talks and workshops. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
International PHP Conference - June 3rd-7th 2019, Berlin
The International PHP Conference is the world's first PHP conference and stands since more than a decade for top-notch pragmatic expertise in PHP and web technologies. At the IPC, internationally renowned experts from the PHP industry meet up with PHP users and developers from large and small companies. Here is the place where concepts emerge and ideas are born - the IPC signifies knowledge transfer at highest level. Tickets are on sale now.
Dutch PHP Conference - June 6-8th 2019, Amsterdam
The Dutch PHP Conference is very pleased to announce the dates for the 2019 edition: we will be organising DPC19 on 6, 7 and 8 of June 2019! We will be hosting the conference again in the RAI Amsterdam venue. Traditionally we start with a preconference tutorial day on Thursday June 6, followed by 2 full conference days packed with keynotes, sessions, community events, parties and more! Tickets are on sale now.
Laracon EU - August 28-30th 2019, Amsterdam
Laracon EU hosts multiple annual conferences where the international Laravel PHP community celebrates together. It's an unforgettable experience where we meet with friends, network for business and gain opportunities while learning about modern web development. This year we expect 850 attendees in Amsterdam for a three day event, one primary stage with 30 min. sessions and to mainly focus on in-depth technical topics that are relevant for Laravel developers. Early Bird tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Internals News: Episode 6: PHP Quality Assurance
In this sixth episode of "PHP Internals News" we talk to Remi Collet (Twitter, Website, GitHub, Donate) about the work that he does through RedHat and Fedora to improve the quality of PHP, PHP extensions, and PHP libraries and frameworks.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Susan Ibach
Cal Evans and Susan Ibach sit down and talk about her talk "So Your Boss Says You Need to Learn Data Science" for Day Camp 4Developers: Data.
Three Devs and a Maybe Podcast - Building SaaS Products with Simon Bennett
Discussion on bootstrapping SaaS products, SnapShooter and Automaily.
That Podcast Episode 59: The First One in 2019
Where we talk about Dave's forks.
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 113: Justin Jackson - Growing Transistor to $10,000/month
In this episode, Adam talks to Justin Jackson about growing his new SaaS business Transistor to $10,000 in MRR.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #193 - Slapping Elevators
The boys discuss Magento Order Management, Phillip dropping his album, Page Builder, and the new Adobe Commerce Cloud logo.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 94: It's Still a Finish Line
I recently spent an entire day making a small but tricky Vue component for the Laracasts forum. There's no doubt that it took longer than I would have liked. But, the fact remains: at the start of the day, I had no clue how to build it. When I clocked out that evening, it was finished and deployed. Let's talk about why this is my favourite aspect of programming, and how it can overflow into the rest of your life.
PHP Ugly Podcast #147: Unlicensed Software
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 57: Theodor Geisel, Complex Validation and Compiled Assets in Git
Michael and Jake discuss the books of Theodor Geisel, complex validation and when to reach for form requests, and discuss whether or not you might store compiled assets in your version control. Thanks to CTO Sumo for sponsoring this episode!
Beachcast Tech Videos 014 - PHPLoc Lines of Code Static Analysis to Find PHP Code Smells
I show how to get the lines of code to detect code smells in a PHP application by using PHPLoc from the command line or using Docker. (see shortcuts below to key points) In this PHP video Adam Culp uses PHPLoc is a command line application to conduct static analysis and generate a small but useful report. Adam Culp of Beachcasts will show how to use it from a Docker Container using a Docker Image he created. PHPLoc demonstrated on the Concrete5 CMS codebase. |
David Hoy: Who Needs PHP?
In this workshop, I want to demonstrate how quickly a front end form can be created and then how the data captured can be manipulated to create awesome solutions for our clients.
A Week of Symfony #642 (15-21 April 2019)
This week, Symfony 2.7.51, 2.8.50, 3.4.26, 4.1.12 and 4.2.7 versions were released to address some security issues. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 4.3 version added a native password hasher which chooses the best hashing algorithm automatically.
PHP Development in the Cloud Kindle Edition by PHP DEV and Vito Chin Chin
Published 23rd March 2019. Most developers gloss over when they hear "the cloud" as the term has been appropriated by marketing types and has very little true meaning anymore. In this book, Vito and Ivo strip bare the buzzwords and help PHP developers figure out what the cloud is actually about and how they can take advantage of what cloud computing has to offer.
Zend PHP Certification Guide Kindle Edition by Sams Publishing
Published 20th March 2019. The Zend PHP Certification Study Guide provides an excellent resource to pre-test your skills and guide you to your ultimate goal of becoming a Zend Certified PHP Engineer. It helps you confirm if you are fully prepared for your PHP Exam, or to identify areas that you may need more study time prior to taking in identified topics. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
MODX lets you power anything from multi-language, multi-domain corporate sites to personal blogs to mobile APIs.
The Phar Installation and Verification Environment (PHIVE). Installation and verification of phar distributed PHP applications has never been this easy!
Web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data.
Snidel makes it easier for all PHP developers to work with parallel processing.
Ganesha is PHP implementation of Circuit Breaker pattern which has multi strategies to avoid cascading failures and supports various storages to record statistics.
This PHP library will help you to work with your Pinterest account without using any API account credentials.
GitHub application for managing PocketMine-family plugins, and website for sharing plugins.
Mocking utility for PHP functions and WordPress plugin API.
YAY! is a high level parser combinator based PHP preprocessor that allows anyone to augment PHP with PHP.
BladeOne is a standalone version of Blade Template Engine that uses a single PHP file and can be ported and used in different projects.
A pure PHP server and client for the tus resumable upload protocol v1.0.0.
Catalyst serves to facilitate the process of commissioning through a simple, unified, and mobile-friendly way for artists to easily list their prices, receive and track commissions, and much more. |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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