Hello, and thanks for joining us at phpweekly.com :)
If you want to set up a rock-solid continuous integration process for your PHP project, read about 7 tools you can use to generally make life easier.
Also this week get a proper introduction to Drupal Check, the recently released tool that checks your modules for deprecated code in preparation for Drupal 9.
Joomla 3.9.6 is now available, with various bug fixes and improvements.
Plus the latest Laracasts Snippet podcast looks at why the question "Isn't PHP Dead?" continues to pop up.
And finally, with the release of PHP 7.4 pencilled in for December, have a read about all the goodies expected to come with it.
Have a great weekend,
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
9 Best CRM & Project Management PHP Scripts
As a freelancer or a small business, your growth and continuity depend on the way you build trust with customers and potential customers. Boosting customer satisfaction requires you to be on top of small details. CRM and project management systems help you do just that.
Java, PHP or .NET: Which Programming Languages Will Earn You The Most?
Pay for some key tech roles is outpacing others; but one big job has surprisingly seen salary decline.
I Forgot How To Manage a Server
Something embarrassing happened to me the other day. I was playing around with a new server on Digital Ocean and it occurred to me: I had no idea how to manage it. This is slightly awkward because I've been a sysadmin for over 10yrs, the largest part of my professional career.
New on Drupal.org: Better Visibility Into The Humans Behind The Comments
We're excited about a feature built by a member of our community and recently deployed on Drupal.org: to give more human context to discussions in the Drupal issue queue, you can now choose to display your primary language, pronoun and location.
Warning Over Open-Source Bug Affecting Drupal, Joomla and Typo3 CMS Platforms
Run Drupal, Joomla or Typo3? Newly identified vulnerability could facilitate remote code execution attacks. |
Tutorials and Talks
An Introduction to Using Salesforce's REST API with PHP
Salesforce is one of the biggest CRM services about. CRM stands for customer relationship management if you didn’t know. It comes with a powerful API that allow us to tap into Salesforce to create, retrieve, update and delete records. In this blog post we’ll take an introductory look at how we can use its REST API with PHP.
7 Continuous Integration Tools for PHP Laravel Developers
In this article we’ll learn about 7 tools that you can use to set up a rock-solid continuous integration (CI) process for your PHP project. Together, these tools increase code quality, reduce development time, easily reveal errors and will generally make your life easier.
How to Build an Amazon Affiliate Website With a WooCommerce Affiliate Plugin
In this article, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily build an Amazon Affiliates store using WordPress, WooCommerce, and the WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates plugin.
Setting Up Laravel 5.8 With Authentication & Role Based Access
Setting up your application with authentication & role-based access is much better fleshed out at the very beginning of a new project. There’s nothing worse than being 1 month deep into development and the client then requires login functionality and role-based access, trust me, I’ve been there. In this latest tutorial, we will set up a new Laravel project, specifically version 5.8, in addition, we will set up the initial database tables and configure the authentication and role-based access.
Linode provides a powerful and reliable infrastructure for a powerful application like Drupal. Although the fact remains that launching a Linode cloud server is simple and reliable, launching a Drupal website requires knowledge and understanding of server administration.
PSR-14: Example - Delayed Events, Queues, and Asynchronicity
One of the long-running debates while designing PSR-14 was how to handle events that were inherently mono-directional. Often, a library will trigger an Event that is, from its point of view, entirely informational. The Event object it fires has no mutator methods so Listeners have no way to interact with each other, which means that the order Listeners run in is irrelevant.
A Proper Introduction to Drupal Check
You may have heard of Drupal Check. You may wonder what in the world it is or how it even came to be. I realized this went from an internal research and development task for a product, to open source contribution and then to an essential tool in the march toward Drupal 9. The timeline from January to DrupalCon in April has been pretty crazy, and I realised I have never done a proper blog post about Drupal Check.
Implementing Event Sourcing: Improving The Developer Experience
Even if you don't know anything about event sourcing, you should be able to follow most of this post.
Implementing Two-Factor Authentication in Laravel Applications
In this article we are going to take a look at how we can implement 2FA in our Laravel application in really simple steps. Also, we will be using email as our means of verification of user’s identity.
424 Failed Dependency
The 424 Failed Dependency status-code does not appear in the base HTTP specification, but is part of WebDAV specification, which is an extension to HTTP.
7 Continuous Integration Tools for PHP Laravel Developers
In this article we’ll learn about 7 tools that you can use to set up a rock-solid continuous integration (CI) process for your PHP project. Together, these tools increase code quality, reduce development time, easily reveal errors and will generally make your life easier.
Don't Give Up Your PHP Code for Compiler Passes so Easily
This mini-series started in Why Config Coding Sucks. There we learned to move weakly un-typed strings to strict-typed PHP code. It's not only about YAML or NEON files, but about any config-like syntax in general (XML, in...). Today we move to PHP-only land, that suffers a similar problem.
Read-Writable Regular Expressions
Regex is great, right? It’s concise, it’s precise, and the process of developing an expression that works just right is a hell of a lot of fun.
Patterns for Decoupling in Distributed Systems: Domain Query
Replace Free Queries with Domain Queries to decouple from knowledge of the server's internals. |
News and Announcements
Joomla 3.9.6 Release
Joomla 3.9.6 is now available. This is a security fix release for the 3.x series of Joomla which addresses two security vulnerabilities and contains over 25 bug fixes and improvements.
Symfony 4.3.0-BETA1 Released
Symfony 4.3.0-BETA1 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
PhpStorm 2019.1.2 Released
The PhpStorm IDE v2019.1.2 was released yesterday with support for composer execution using Docker and a Blade template debugging fix.
PHP Conference Asia - June 24-26th 2019, Singapore
The fourth pan-Asian PHP conference will take place from 24th to 26th June 2019 in Singapore - the Garden City of the East! This is a single track, 2 days Conference (24th to 25th June 2019). Followed by 1 Workshop Day on 26th June 2019. Come and meet with the fastest growing PHP communities in Asia. More than 200 attendees are expected at this single track conference. Tickets are on sale now.
Mid-Atlantic Developer Conference - August 1st-2nd 2019, Baltimore
Mid-Atlantic Developer Conference 2019 is a tech conference designed to bring programmers from the region together, regardless of their choice of platform, for two full days of learning and community building.
CoderCruise - August 19th-23rd 2019, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Tired of the usual web technology conference scene? Want a more inclusive experience that lets you get to know your fellow attendees and make connections? Well, CoderCruise was designed to be just this. It's a polyglot developer conference on a cruise ship! This year we will be taking a 5-day, 4-night cruise out of Port Canaveral, FL that includes stops at Princess Cays and Nassau. Tickets are on sale now.
Web Summer Camp - August 28-30th 2019, Croatia
Spend the last days of summer immersed in engaging hands-on web workshops on the radiant Croatian coast giving you practical experience and broadening your knowledge. Hang out with fellow web professionals in an informal between- and after-workshops setting with fine food and drinks involved. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
SymfonyLive - September 12-13th 2019, London
We are proud to organise the 8th edition of the Symfony conference in London and to welcome the Symfony community from all over the UK. Come for 2 days of Symfony to share best practices, experience, knowledge, make new contacts and hear the latest developments with the framework! Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Town Hall Podcast #65: Live from Longhorn PHP 2019
Matt Trask and Ben Edmunds are joined by a panel of speakers from Longhorn PHP to discuss the conference, PHP internals, and questions from the attendees.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Matthew Weier O’Phinney
Cal Evans and Matthew Weier O'Phinney sit down and talk about changes happening in Zend Framework and the move to the Linux Foundation.
Three Devs and a Maybe Podcast - Delving into Elixir with Keyvan Akbary
Discussion on Elixir, the Phoenix Framework, GitLab and building autonomous teams.
The Five-Minute Geek Show Podcast Episode 109
Just break that overwhelming project up.
Run Geek Radio Podcast Ep 17 - Zend Framework Becomes Laminas Project
Adam Culp shares exciting news about Zend Framework becoming part of the Linux Foundation, and rebranding as the Laminas Project.
PHP Internals News Episode 9: Bundled Extensions
In this ninth episode of "PHP Internals News" I talk to Kalle Nielsen (Twitter, GitHub) about bundled extensions, and his work on the Windows port of PHP.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 97: Isn't PHP Dead?
After working with PHP for over ten years now, there's one question that continues to pop up - no matter what year it is: "Isn't PHP Dead?" Let's talk about it.
PHP Ugly Podcast #150: The Ugly Cinematic Universe
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including Microsoft becoming a $1 trillion company.
PHP Web Development Podcast EP#38 - Comparison Between PHP & Node
We have a new series and will be speaking to Ashleigh Simonelli. We will touch on TypeScript, PHP and Node and the comparison between the two. |
New in PHP 7.4
Brent lists the goodies coming to PHP 7.4, which will be released in December. This is going to be an epic release!
New Course: Complete Guide to WordPress Multisite
WordPress Multisite is a powerful tool for developers who need to host multiple WordPress sites on the same server. Learn how to get the most out of it in our new course, Complete Guide to WordPress Multisite.
A Week of Symfony #645 (6-12 May 2019)
This week, the Symfony 4.3.0 beta 1 version was released, so you can test Symfony 4.3 in your own projects before the stable release at the end of May. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive London 2019 conference announced its first speakers.
What Makes Laravel The Most Preferred PHP Framework for Web Development
One of the most daunting tasks for any business is choosing the right PHP development framework to build a robust web application. PHP frameworks are not recently discovered technologies but Laravel is one of the newest kids on the block. It has exploded in popularity and gained immense momentum in no time at all. As a result, Laravel development services have received huge recognition when compared to its contemporaries. Reports suggest that there has been a steady increase in the usage of Laravel framework over the last year. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at katie@phpweekly.com |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
PHP client for the Pinterest API.
Fast, searchable field-level encryption for PHP projects.
No ads, Unlimited, Open-Source Live Streaming Service.
ProcessWire is an open source content management system (CMS) and web application framework aimed at the needs of designers, developers and their clients.
PHP function for marking navigation items active.
AbanteCart is a free PHP based eCommerce solution for merchants to provide ability creating online business and sell products online quick and efficient.
A high-level machine learning library that allows you to build programs that learn from data using the PHP language.
Monero PHP library + JsonRPC Client.
PHP and Laravel 5 Package to send push notifications to Android and IOS devices.
Swap allows you to retrieve currency exchange rates from various services such as Fixer or currencylayer and optionally cache the results.
Onepage Theme/Website Builder for WordPress.
Fractal is an amazing package to transform data before using it in an API. Unfortunately working with Fractal can be a bit verbose. |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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