Welcome to this weeks edition.
The php.net team announced several releases this week - PHP 7.2.19, 7.1.30 and 7.3.6, all available now.
Also this week we're looking at Nova, the latest Laravel product, and how to tweak it to fit our needs.
Read what went on in WordPress last month, the 16th anniversary of its launch, including the latest major release.
Plus in the latest Magetalk podcast the boys get into some nitty-gritty details about the recently announced Imagine keynote.
And finally, WordCamp Europe takes place in a couple of weeks in Berlin. Still time to get your tickets.
Enjoy your read,
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Once Again, We Are Adding a Little Colour for Pride Month
In June last year, we changed our Drupal Association logo on social media platforms to add a little colour for Pride Month and I am really happy to say we will be doing the same again this year.
Happy New PHP: A Look at WordPress’ Recent Jump in Minimum PHP Requirements
As far as programming languages go, PHP gets major updates fairly often. In this article, we’re going to break down the reasoning for the jump in minimum PHP requirements. Then we’ll explain how using this new PHP version will affect you, and how to update to a newer version. Let’s talk PHP!
40 Additional Laravel Validation Rules
Laravel Validation system has 60+ validation rules available, but what if you want something extra? You can easily create your own validation rule, or use something already available on the internet. Let’s take a look. |
Tutorials and Talks
Building a Modal with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS
Modal windows are a popular UI component and are useful for many different scenarios. You might use one for alerting a user, showing a form, or even popping up a login form. The uses are limitless. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to build a reusable card modal using Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.
Customising Laravel Nova
The latest Laravel product, Nova, has taken the community by storm. The way you can build a simple backend in like no time is astonishing. But still, every project is different, and we need to tweak Nova here and there to make it fit our needs. With this article, I want to provide some helpful tips on how to customise Laravel Nova.
Create a PHP Login Form
In this tutorial, I'll teach you how to create your own PHP login and registration forms from scratch.
PHP Wishlist: Typing
PHP is a loosely typed language. It doesn’t care what types you throw around. Unless you want it to care.
How to Create a Domain Name Suggestion Tool
It’s been a while since my last tutorial spotlighting the use of GoDaddy’s API to retrieve a list of domains associated with your GoDaddy account. Today’s tutorial aims to help create a simple tool that returns available domain names based on submitted keywords and domain ideas.
PHP Backdoor Evaluates XOR Encrypted Requests
In the past, we’ve mentioned how the PHP XOR bitwise operator (represented by the caret ^) can be used to encrypt a malware’s source code. This operator makes it more difficult to determine if encrypted code is malicious, or if it is trying to protect a legitimate developer’s code. However, that’s not the only way that XOR can be used to hide malicious data. This is what we will explore today.
PHP OOP Autoloading
The more clean and clear your code is the more readable and useful it is. When you are working in a quite large PHP project, you will have a large number of class files. In each PHP file, you will need to have a bunch of include or require statements at the beginning to use those classes.
Don't Ever use Symfony Listeners
Another anti-pattern that deserves more attention than it has. I often see this in Symfony projects I consult and when I ask the dev why did he or she choose listener over subscriber, they don't really know - "it was in the Symfony documentation, you can read it there". Not good enough. So why you should never use a listener?
428 Precondition Required
To avoid multiple users writing to the same resources and overwriting each others changes, its useful to take advantage of conditional requests, using the If-Match, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since headers.
Create a Real Time Chat App with Pusher in PHP
Almost every developer has created a chat application early in the career. Oftentimes, this app is deployed on a certain hosting for PHP & is used by the friends and family to chat with the developer.
Install Laravel 5.8 on a Server & Make Your App More Powerful
Laravel is the most advanced PHP framework available for developers. The framework gets an update every year with the release of new version. This year’s release of Laravel 5.8 doesn’t disappoint the developers either, as the latest version integrates some new features as well as upgradation of some old features.
How to Fix the HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress
Running into errors on your WordPress site can be intimidating. However, most errors give you some clue as to what caused them, which can make troubleshooting them a lot easier. The 503 error is not as polite, unfortunately, and doesn’t give you much information to go on. In this article, we’ll cover what the 503 error is and how it typically manifests. Then we’ll guide you through six steps in order to troubleshoot it.
Add Exakat To Your CI Pipeline
The Continuous Integration pipeline builds your code automatically, and runs a large number of checks. When those checks fail, the build of the application is cancelled, and the development team have a change to square everything again.
Create a Booking System With a WordPress Booking Plugin
If you run any sort of business that involves appointments or meetings with clients or between staff members, then your life will be made much simpler if you enable bookings on your website. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use a plugin to add bookings to your website.
Learning Laravel - Observations, Part 1: The Service Container
I have worked with Symfony 1, Symfony 2+, Zend Framework 1, Zend Expressive, but never with Laravel. Until now.
How to Approach Design for Developers
Even though they may be working on the same projects and products, developers and designers often work apart from one another in silos. Design is often considered by developers as a secondary thing, unimportant when compared with the functionality of a product.
How to Update Your PHP Version to Keep in Line with WordPress Recommendations
When a WordPress website is loaded, it runs on code. Once upon a time, that code was strictly HTML. Now, it’s a few different things, typically CSS, HTML and JavaScript. That’s the front-of-the-house, though. The waitstaff that all visitors see. Back-of-the-house runs a bit differently; there are different cooks in the kitchen, and they influence a little bit of everything. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.3.6 Release Announcement
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.6. This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. All PHP 7.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.2.19 Release Announcement
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.19. This is a security release which also contains several minor bug fixes. All PHP 7.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.1.30 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.1.30. This is a security release. All PHP 7.1 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
WordCamp Europe - June 20th-22nd 2019, Berlin
Two days of exciting talks, workshops and memorable workshops. The Call for Instructors is open and tickets are on sale now.
Oscon - July 15-18th 2018, Portland
The 21st Open Source Convention takes place next July. OSCON brings open source community, enterprise and engineering teams together to share best practices, projects that transform business and insight into what you need next. Tickets are on sale now.
SymfonyLive - September 24-27th 2019, Berlin
SymfonyLive Berlin is already on the horizon! As every year, we'll meet from September 24th to 27th at the MOA in Berlin to bring the German Symfony community together and talk about Symfony and PHP development in general. This is going to be the biggest SymfonyLive Berlin ever, we are going from a single day of talks to two days, and from two parallel tracks to three! Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
PHP Barcelona - 12-13th November 2019, Barcelona Spain
We've crafted the best PHP conference possible just for you. To allow you to see the future and get ready before nobody else. You'll gather top-notch speakers and an awesome community eager to share a lot of knowledge. All of this will take place in the very centre of the gorgeous city of Barcelona in an excellent venue. The Call for Papers is open, with Rasmus Lerdorf already confirmed, and tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Voices of the ElePHPant: Interview with Matt Trask
Cal Evans and Matt Trask talk about PHP, The League of Extraordinary Packages, Fractle and cycling.
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 116: Jerod Santo - Building the Changelog Platform with Elixir and Phoenix
In this episode, Adam talks to Jerod Santo of The Changelog about building their custom podcasting platform using Elixir and Phoenix.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #196 - REST in Mage Peace
The boys get into some nitty-gritty details about the recently announced Imagine keynote, a newly released database of useful Magento resources, and talk about overcoming issues within the partner ecosystem.
PHP Internals News: Episode 12: Argon Hash Implementation
In this twelfth episode of "PHP Internals News" I talk with Sara Golemon (Twitter, GitHub) about the "Provide argon2i(d) implementations for password_hash() from ext/sodium" RFC.
Laravel News Podcast LN84 - Enums, Laracon AU and Making Payments with Mollie
Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
PHP Ugly Podcast #153: Atlanta Nights
This week, Eric, Thomas, and John discuss various topics including taking over PeakPHP and Simplecast's new interface is GARBAGE.
PHP Web Development Podcast EP#40 - Introduction to Mark Bradley - Principle Software Engineer Sainsbury’s
Mark Bradley is a Principal Software engineer based in London UK. He has been building web applications since 2006. He has experience writing software in PHP and Go. Mark is well respected within the PHP community and has experience speaking at conferences and user groups.
Beachcast Tech Videos 017 - Critical Programming Issues Preventing a PHP 7 Upgrade
Adam Culp of Beachcasts php programming videos shares some common coding issues he's experienced when helping companies upgrade to PHP version 7, and how to easily get around them. |
Security Newsletter Issue 131
A weekly e-mail keeping you up-to-date with security news, with about 10 items in every issue.
Interview With Our Developer Peter, One Of The Release Managers of PHP 7.4
Our developer Peter is one of the release managers of the upcoming PHP 7.4 release. Even though he has a lot on his plate right now, he was able to take the time to answer a few questions and give us a glimpse into what new features we can expect. Enjoy the read!
A Week of Symfony #648 (27 May - 2 June 2019)
This week, the stable version of Symfony 4.3.0 was released, adding 270 small and big new features to Symfony. Meanwhile, the work on the upcoming Symfony 5.0 version (to be released on November 2019) started with the removal of deprecated features.
The Month in WordPress: May 2019
This month saw the 16th anniversary since the launch of the first release of WordPress. A significant milestone to be sure and one that speaks to the strength and stability of the project as a whole. In this anniversary month, we saw a new major release of WordPress, some exciting new development work and a significant global event.
Book Review: Refactoring
Review of the Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler, 2nd edition (2018). |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Virtual online crime simulator (VOCS) written in PHP 7.0.
A PHP wrapper for youtube-dl tool.
A powerful laravel help desk and lead management app.
Phinder is a tool to find code pieces (technically PHP expressions). This tool aims mainly at speeding up your code review process, not static bug detection.
The Workflow component provides tools for managing a workflow or finite state machine.
A helper to query and format a set of opening hours.
Really flexible headless CMS, built on top of Symfony and GraphQL.
A set of translation abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components.
This package contains a trait to make Eloquent models translatable.
A very slight framework based on PHP7.2+ for universal API controlling.
Someline Starter is a PHP framework for quick building Web Apps and Restful APIs, with modern PHP design pattern foundation.
This is the official Help Scout PHP client. This client contains methods for easily interacting with the Help Scout Mailbox API. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
So, how did you like this issue?