Hi there PHP fans.
The first alpha of PHP 7.4.0 has been released this week, starting the PHP 7.4 release cycle.
Also this week watch Taylor Otwell's Q&A session at the Laravel Live UK conference.
The latest Laravel News podcast includes an interview with Sander van Hooft.
Plus we look at Part Two of the Serverless PHP with Bref series, exploring a more complete serverless application.
And finally, there's only a few Early Bird tickets left for the Web Summer Camp in Croatia late August, with three days of hands on workshops giving you practical experience.
We always welcome feedback, so if there's anything you'd like to see, or not see, in our newsletter, please drop me a line at [email protected].
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
I Was Wrong About PSR-11
Back in January 2017, the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (FIG) reviewed and passed PSR-11, the "Container Interface" specification. It was a very simplistic 2-method interface for Dependency Injection Containers, which had been worked on for some time by a small group.
Solve Problems and Stop Failing with PHP
Imagine living in a 500 square-foot store, in a strip mall. The back half of the business was as expected, with a bathroom, 2 small offices, and work area. The front was a bedroom barely large enough to hold a bed, and a living room barely able to contain a couch and TV. The only thing separating the living room from the sidewalk, and the busy main street, was paper taped onto the floor to ceiling windows. And behind that, some vertical blinds to make it more home-like.
Oh, The Places You'll Go
It’s been a while since I wrote here, mostly because I’ve got so much going on that I’ve had to choose between building and talking about what I’ve been building. So, here is a highlight reel!
Switching to Windows for Local WordPress Development: Part 2
Last year when I wrote about switching to Windows for local WordPress development, I hadn’t anticipated how much I would change in the weeks/months to follow. There were several things I wasn’t happy with in my development environment and general workflow – Local by Flywheel was slow, the command line wasn’t quite up to par with what I was used to, and I just felt that there had to be a better way to do things. In this week’s article, I take a look at some of the changes I’ve made to my Windows development and how they’ve upped my WordPress development game. |
Tutorials and Talks
What’s New in PHP 7.4 (Coming Soon)
PHP 7.4, the next PHP 7 minor release, is expected to be released to the General Availability on November 21st, 2019. So it’s time for us to dive into some of the most exciting additions and new features that will make PHP faster and more reliable. Anyway, today we’re going through some of the most interesting features and changes we’re expecting with PHP 7.4.
Generating Vue Files With Artisan Command
In larger projects, often we find ourselves making new files – controllers, events, jobs and so on – as the project goes. For these classes, we have all the commands we need, however, if the project is front-end heavy we need to make the files manually. Let’s see how to make a generator command for our front-end files!
How to Get Different WooCommerce Page URLs
After we installed WooCommerce, it is generating some default page which needed to run an e-commerce website like Account, Shop, Cart, Checkout.
Perform PHP Debugging By Integrating Xdebug With VsCode
When you decide to develop web applications, you must take care about few things for producing a smooth end product. A good developer always opts for best practices while developing robust apps. These practices include testing, debugging, performance and security of website or application. In the previous article, I had covered few topics from the above. In this article, I’ll discuss about PHP debug concepts and techniques in PHP code.
Refactoring to actions
In our recent projects at Spatie, we've started using a concept called "actions". It keeps our controllers and models skinny. It's a straightforward practice. In this blog post, I'd like to explain it to you.
How to Create a Mega Menu With a Free WordPress Plugin
In this post, we’ll explore the WP Mega Menu plugin, which allows you to create content-rich navigation menus on your WordPress site. We’ll go through the different aspects of this plugin, and we’ll also build a real-world example for demonstration purposes.
A Look At PHP’s isset()
isset() is one of the most important tools at your disposal to validate data in PHP. Let’s take a look through how it behaves and what’s so special about it. Even if you’re a veteran PHP developer, hopefully, you’ll pick up something new here.
Typed properties in PHP
Typed class properties have been added in PHP 7.4 and provide a major improvement to PHP's type system. These changes are fully opt-in and non breaking to previous versions. In this post we'll look at the feature in-depth
430 Would Block
If you look at lists of HTTP status-codes, you might notice that there’s a gap between 429 Too Many Requests and 431 Request Header Fields Too Large. I find this interesting, so I did some digging and it turns out that around the same time 429 and 431 there was another status code that never made it into a standard, defining 430 Would Block.
How to Upgrade Meetup.com API to OAuth2 with Guzzle
I got an email from Meetup.com 5 days ago, that basically every API request will be paid since August 15, 2019. $ 30/month, that's like my phone bill. 95 % of data on Friends Of Php depend on Meetup.com API - updated daily. The website is free, so it might kill the content or I'd have to move to crawlers and hope for the lack of protection on Meetup.com against them. Unless we use Oauth2 before August 15. I never used it, but how hard that can be, right?
PostgreSQL: cannot call json_to_recordset on a scalar
I have a nullable JSON column in a PostgreSQL table. Data stored in the column is an array with key/value objects which have to be converted into records at some point. It’s a job for json_to_recordset, which takes a JSON array as input and returns the records.
PHP Architect: Serverless PHP With Bref, Part 2
Part two of my article on using Serverless PHP using Bref has been published! In part one, I introduced Bref as we wrote a simple “Hello World” application. Part two follows this up exploring a more complete serverless application, my Project365 website. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.4.0 alpha 1 Released
PHP team is glad to announce the release of the first PHP 7.4.0 version, PHP 7.4.0 Alpha 1. This starts the PHP 7.4 release cycle.
Drupal Association Board Elections, 2019
With Drupal 9 approaching rapidly, it is an exciting time to be on the Drupal Association Board. The Association must continue to evolve alongside the project so we can continue providing the right kind of support. We have two At-large positions on the Association Board of Directors. These positions are self-nominated and then elected by the community. Simply put, each At-large Director position is designed to ensure there is community representation on the Drupal Association Board.
Web Summer Camp - August 28-30th 2019, Croatia
Spend the last days of summer immersed in engaging hands-on web workshops on the radiant Croatian coast giving you practical experience and broadening your knowledge. Hang out with fellow web professionals in an informal between- and after-workshops setting with fine food and drinks involved. The last few Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
Laracon EU - August 28-30th 2019, Amsterdam
Laracon EU hosts multiple annual conferences where the international Laravel PHP community celebrates together. It's an unforgettable experience where we meet with friends, network for business and gain opportunities while learning about modern web development. This year we expect 850 attendees in Amsterdam for a three day event, one primary stage with 30 min. sessions and to mainly focus on in-depth technical topics that are relevant for Laravel developers. Early Bird tickets are on sale now.
SymfonyLive - September 12-13th 2019, London
We are proud to organise the 8th edition of the Symfony conference in London and to welcome the Symfony community from all over the UK. Come for 2 days of Symfony to share best practices, experience, knowledge, make new contacts and hear the latest developments with the framework! Tickets are on sale now.
CakeFest Conference - November 7-10th 2019, Tokyo
For 2019 we're hosting our annual CakePHP conference in Tokyo, Japan. Covering 2 full days of workshops, showing off the latest and best practices with the framework, followed by another 2 days packed with noteworthy talks from some of the most influential members of the global community, this is a must for any CakePHP developer. Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Internals News: Episode 14 - __toString() Exceptions
In this fourteenth episode of "PHP Internals News" we talk to Nikita Popov (Twitter, GitHub) about a late __toString Exception RFC.
php[podcast] Episode 21: Serverless PHP, Array Functions, and Data Structures with Chris Tankersley
Eric, John and Oscar are back post-php[tek] to discuss the June 2019 issue.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Allan MacGregor
Cal Evans and Allan Macgregor talk about getting into programming and the Adobe purchase of Magento.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #198 - $10,000 Luxury Magento Site
Kalen and Phillip explore the complications surrounding a low budget Magento build, the concept of a luxury brand, and a possible Mage Reconciliation Day.
PHP Ugly Podcast #155:
PHP Web Development Podcast EP#42 - Imposters Syndrome with Mark Bradley - Principle Software Engineer - Sainsbury’s
Mark Bradley is a Principal Software engineer based in London UK. He has been building web applications since 2006. He has experience writing software in PHP and Go. Mark is well respected within the PHP community and has experience speaking at conferences and user groups. In this episode Mark will be discussing what imposter syndrome is and how it feels.
Laravel News Podcast LN85 - Pipe Dreams, Git Hooks and An Interview with Sander van Hooft
Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
Beachcast Tech Videos 019 -
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview with Daniel David
Daniel Davis is the co-founder of Nextendweb and the designer behind their plugins, which power over 600,000 websites all over the world.
Security Newsletter Issue 133
A weekly e-mail keeping you up-to-date with security news, with about 10 items in every issue.
A Week of Symfony #650 (10-16 June 2019)
This week, Symfony improved the compatibility of the HttpClient component with PSR-18 and with httplug. In addition, it introduced a significant performance improvement for EventDispatcher in the dev environment. Finally, we started working on the support for PHP 7.4 preloading in preparation for the PHP 7.4 release at the end of this year.
Taylor Otwell's Q&A session at Laravel Live UK 2019
Taylor Otwell gave a Q&A session at the Laravel Live UK conference. You can watch most of the session in the video below. At the end Taylor showed the audience something special. It's not included in the video at his request, you had to be there.
Updated Course: Coding Blocks for WordPress Gutenberg
WordPress 5 saw the launch of the new Gutenberg editor, which aims to provide a true WYSIWYG experience by breaking up pieces of posts and pages into individual blocks of content. If you want to get the most out of Gutenberg as a WordPress developer, try our newly updated course, Coding Blocks for WordPress Gutenberg.
Video: Dries Vints on Maintaining Laravel
Have you ever wondered how the maintainers of Laravel manage the project? Dries Vints has created a video of him managing issues. The first part covers tips when you are posting new issues and the second part shows the actual issue handling. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
A micro framework which modernises WordPress as a CMS development by providing tools to implement MVC and more.
Rotor is a flexible, powerful and intuitive system with minimal hosting requirements, a high level of protection and an excellent choice for building a website of any complexity.
Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere. All you need is a web browser and active internet connection.
Storefront is a robust and flexible WordPress theme, designed and built by the team at WooCommerce to help you make the most out of using the WooCommerce plugin to power your online store. It's available to download for free from the WordPress theme repository.
The Messenger component helps application send and receive messages to/from other applications or via message queues.
The HttpClient component provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously.
Creates and manages locks, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource.
A Nex-Gen Private Torrent Tracker (Aimed For Movie / TV Use).
This Laravel package adds frontend views, routes and assets to a Voyager project.
JunkMan is a toolkit for what it can trace the PHP GC logs by xdebug.distribute GC logs to the JunkManMonitor.
Formr is a PHP micro-framework which helps you build and validate forms quickly, painlessly, and without all the messy overhead.
API gateway is an important component of microservices architectural pattern – it's a layer that sits in front of all your services. |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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