A very warm welcome to you out there in the PHP community, and thank you for joining us :)
The php.net team announced a couple of releases this week - PHP 7.2.20 and 7.3.7, both available now.
Also this week sees the release of Joomla 3.9.10, a bug fix release.
Part 6 of the Building a Vue SPA With Laravel series is out now, finishing the last part of basic CRUD - creating new users.
Plus the latest Laracasts Snippets podcast looks at several largely unconnected topics, titled The Four P's.
And finally Lightning PHP has been booked for one day in October, in Florida. The Call for Papers is open until early next month with only six places up for grabs.
Katie and Ade |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
PHP: A Quick Introduction to a Complex Language
PHP is a quarter-century old… and for the first 20 years, it had no written specification. That’s astounding, and probably explains why it was a bit of a challenge for many developers to get their heads around (one critic famously described the language as a fractal of bad design).
Why You Should Upgrade WordPress to PHP 7 Now Rather Than Later
In this post, we’ll introduce you to PHP 7 and explain the updates that come along with this new version. Then we’ll provide four key reasons why it’s smart to upgrade to PHP 7 now, rather than wait until later.
How to Perform SEO for Single Page Applications (SPA) – Know All the Secrets Here
Over the last few years, web technology has taken a huge leap. It has evolved quite drastically in both front and backend channels. Today, we have different frameworks available to work on our desired domain. Especially in frontend, we have a great number of options to choose from, including the specialised frameworks and libraries to work with.
13 Free Open-source Content Management Systems
Here is a list of open-source content management systems. Many have large developer communities that provide platform updates and thousands of themes and extensions. All of the systems are free, though they also offer paid plans for hosting services.
Building What’s In Front Of You
Recently while working on an application I found myself asking a number of architectural questions. These were questions about things that I might consider “fundamental” – elements of the application, how many methods each class might receive, and how to put it all together into something cohesive. |
Tutorials and Talks
Responding to SMS in PHP Using AWS Lambda and Bref
Every new starter at Twilio has to build an application using one of our products, then demo it to receive their fabled Track Jacket. For my application, because WiFi is always a pain at conferences, I wrote a PHP script that sends you the next talks for a given event.
Building a Vue SPA With Laravel Part 6
We are going to finish the last part of basic CRUD: creating new users. You have all the tools you need from the previous topics we’ve covered thus far, so feel free to try to work on creating users and comparing this article to your efforts.
7 News and Changes in Symplify 6
Do you use Easy Coding Standard, Package Builder or Statie? Do you need to upgrade safely? Do you want to benefit from new features? This post shows 7 news and changes, that might affect you (in a good way).
A Look At PHP’s isset()
isset() is one of the most important tools at your disposal to validate data in PHP. As the name implies, it is designed to verify if a variable given to it is set, returning a boolean value based on the result. Let’s take a look through how it behaves and what’s so special about it.
How to Code a Landing Page in Your WordPress Theme
In this tutorial, I’ll demonstrate what makes a landing page different from a normal page on your site, and show you how to create a landing page template file so you can have your own landing pages.
Creating Encrypted Backups of Laravel Apps
Backup security is important, especially if you're processing sensitive data. Nobody except you should be able to read your application's backups and you should be confident that you don't lose any data in case of trouble.
OneinStack: How To Install It On Ubuntu and CentOS
What is OneinStack? It is an active project that uses to set up an environment for the development of PHP/JAVA applications in just one-click on Linux operating systems such as CentOS (including Redhat), Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Deepin, Amazon Linux and other same family Distros.
Preloading in PHP 7.4
PHP 7.4 adds preloading support, a feature that could improve the performance of your code significantly.
500 Internal Server Error
While the 4xx-series errors are specifically for client-side errors, the 5xx-series errors are for server-side errors. The first error in this series is 500 Internal Server Error. This is a generic error, and a good error to choose if there is not a more specific error suitable for your problem.
PHP Scoper: How to Avoid Namespace Issues in your Composer Dependencies
If you’ve worked with PHP for any period of time you’ve likely heard of or used Composer. We’ve written about it whole bunch on the blog before, and it’s a great tool for grabbing dependencies for your project (especially for us that remember PEAR ).
Running PHP applications on Azure App Engine
Azure App Service is a way to host your web application in a container without having to think about the server. It’s the same PaaS concept as AWS Elastic Beanstalk and supports all the main web programming languages. It also supports Windows and Linux OS containers.
PHP Security: Validation and Input Filtering (Part 1)
We need to keep in mind that all input strings (text value) that are displayed as numerous values are still only strings. PHP has the ability to work with different types of data with dynamic changes. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.3.7 Release Announcement
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.7. This is a bug fix release. All PHP 7.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.2.20 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.20. This is a bugfix release. All PHP 7.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
Joomla 3.9.10 Release
Joomla 3.9.10 is now available. This is a bug fix release for the 3.x series of Joomla which addresses one bug introduced into 3.9.9, affecting template styles of multilingual web sites.
Mid-Atlantic Developer Conference - August 1st-2nd 2019, Baltimore
Mid-Atlantic Developer Conference 2019 is a tech conference designed to bring programmers from the region together, regardless of their choice of platform, for two full days of learning and community building. Tickets are on sale now.
CoderCruise - August 19th-23rd 2019, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Tired of the usual web technology conference scene? Want a more inclusive experience that lets you get to know your fellow attendees and make connections? Well, CoderCruise was designed to be just this. It's a polyglot developer conference on a cruise ship! This year we will be taking a 5-day, 4-night cruise out of Port Canaveral, FL that includes stops at Princess Cays and Nassau. Tickets are on sale now.
Cascadia PHP - September 19th-21st 2019, Portland
Cascadia PHP’s focus is to foster community. We want you & every other participant at our conference to feel included & welcomed. We don't only touch on PHP topics, we also cover important things like Mental Health, the latest JavaScript and CSS techniques, soft skills and more. Early Bird tickets are on sale now.
Lightning PHP Conference - October 4th 2019, Tampa Florida
A one day event to be held in Tampa, Florida this October. We look forward to a day of learning, networking and fun as we invite the PHP world to join us as part of our Lightning PHP community! The Call for Papers is open and Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
ScotlandPHP Conference - 8-9th November 2019, Edinburgh
Join the worldwide PHP community for the fourth ScotlandPHP conference later this year. There will be at least 14 talks presented across 2 tracks, along with 4 workshops, to help you enhance your current skills and find out what's next for PHP and beyond. Blind Bird Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Adam Kelso
In an episode sponsored by Uncle Cal's Career Advice for Developers, Cal Evans and Adam Kelso get together to talk about Adam's new project Guzzler that helps developers testing Guzzle calls with PHPUnit.
That Podcast Episode 61: The One Where We Discuss Symfony's HTTP Client with Nicolas Grekas
Wait, is it Haytch or Aytch?
MageTalk Magento Podcast #199 - “Better Eat Your Googley-Ohs” (w/ James Zetlen)
In one of the more technical episodes of late, Phillip is joined by James Zetlen as they explore the future of UI components, UPWARD and the importance of a common coding language and some nitty-gritty details of PWA Studio. Listen Now!
PHP Internals News: Episode 17: Numeric Literal Separator
In this seventeenth episode of "PHP Internals News" I talk with Theodore Brown (Twitter, Website, GitHub) and Bishop Bettini (Twitter, Website, GitHub) about their Numeric Literal Separator RFC.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 102 - The Four P's
Today, I have four completely unrelated topics to discuss with you today. As a (cheesy) way to connect the dots between them, we'll call this episode the four P's: Personal, Professional, Political and Parental.
PHP Ugly Podcast #157: Technically Difficult
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including the release of Raspberry Pi 4 and all its improvements.
PHP Web Development Podcast EP#44: Communicating Between Front End, Micro-Services & IOT - Ashleigh Simonelli
In this last episode, Ashleigh will be talking about communicating between front end, micro-services & IOT using NestJS. She will touch on DINO and how this may replace NodeJS. |
A Week of Symfony #653 (1-7 July 2019)
This week, the upcoming Symfony 4.4 version improved the Length validation constraint to allow rejecting empty strings, the HttpClient component added support for NTLM authentication and the Panther component was updated to allow using the new BrowserKit assertions. Meanwhile, the SymfonyCon 2019 conference announced the first part of its schedule.
Experiences As An Elected Board Director - Suzanne Dergacheva
It is that time of year again where we can all consider nominating ourselves for election to the board of the Drupal Association. But what does that mean? What could you expect to be involved in and what might you learn from the experience? We asked our current board members who were elected to tell us their own experiences.
Security Newsletter Issue 136
A weekly e-mail keeping you up-to-date with security news, with about 10 items in every issue.
php[architect] Magazine July 2019 - Find the Way With Elasticsearch
How are you going to find that? You don’t want to implement a search engine on your own as your content grows or integrate with real-world places and addresses. Instead, leverage the rich feature set of an established solution like ElasticSearch. This month we look at how to integrate it with your PHP application and use it to provide location-based search results.
Xdebug Update: June 2019
This is another of the monthly update reports in which I explain what happened with Xdebug development in this past month. It will be published on the first Tuesday after the 5th of each month. Patreon supporters will get it earlier, on the first of each month. You can become a patron here to support my work on Xdebug. More supporters, means that I can dedicate more of my time to improving Xdebug. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
An easy solution to attach files to your eloquent models, with image manipulation built in!
Sermon Manager for WordPress is the #1 plugin for churches who want to manage their sermons easily and missionally.
Commando is a PHP command line interface library that beautifies and simplifies writing PHP scripts intended for command line use.
PHP Standalone library for validating data.
Doorman provides a way to limit access to your Laravel applications by using invite codes.
A powerful Laravel help desk and lead management app.
Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by Laravel & VueJS.
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independent multi-domain setups.
Do you use Symfony, Coding Standards, maintain PHP packages, automate monorepo, generate static website and are you lazy? You'll love the candies you find here!
OXID eShop is a flexible open source e-commerce software with a wide range of functionalities. Thanks to its modular, modern and state-of-the-art architecture, it can be modified, expanded and customized to individual requirements with the greatest of ease.
Self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It extracts content so that you can read it when you have time.
The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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