Welcome to this weeks edition.
The PHP 7.4 release cycle continues with the announcement of PHP 7.4 0beta1.
Also this week, news that Laravel version 6.0 will be coming out this month including new branding and a new website.
PHP Barcelona has been announced over two days in November, with tickets on sale now.
Plus the Drupal Business Survey has been launched, with the hope of gaining insight into key issues.
And finally, the latest North Meets South podcast sees a collaboration with the No Plans To Merge podcast team for a one off special at the recent Laracon US.
Enjoy your read!
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
WordPress Proposes Plan for 61% of WP Sites Using Outdated PHP
WordPress development volunteers published a proposal to urge users of potentially vulnerable versions of PHP to upgrade. An alarming number of WordPress users still use PHP versions that no longer receive security updates.
Things Dependency Injection Is Not About
If you're using any modern framework, chances are you're heavily relying on dependency injection. But do you know what dependency injection actually is about — or better: what it's not?
Syncing WordPress Database Changes Between Environments: How We Handle Merging in 2019
Database merging is a problem that still exists in WordPress. It’s a question that gets raised almost every month at the local WordPress meetup I run – “if I am making changes to my local site, what happens to any new changes to the live site if I push my local database back to live?”. In this post, I’ll revisit the problem, survey the current landscape, and share how we deal with it for our sites.
Top 6 Frameworks and Tools To Build Progressive Web Apps
Connecting the power of the web with mobile has always been one of the most challenging tasks for the development community. While the purpose saw a number of tools and frameworks trying out to develop the perfect blend of performance and wide reachability, the result had always been sub-par. The rise in PWA frameworks and tools list, however, has made it all the more difficult for businesses to choose the best frameworks for PWA development. |
Tutorials and Talks
Facebook, Twitter and Live Chat Buttons: Creating a Social-Savvy WordPress Site
In this tutorial, I’ll be covering all the major ways that you can add social media support to your WordPress website.
7 Tips to Write Flawless Issue Reports on Github
Reporting issue is important for both you and the maintainer of the project. It can be a private issue in your local Gitlab repository, but open-source issues on Github have a much higher volume (obviously). Do you want to be clear to the maintainer, be understood and resolve your issue quickly? Here is how to write.
503 Service Unavailable
503 Service Unavailable is a status that a server can send when it is overloaded, or otherwise incapable of handling a request. Maybe the server is just booting up, or perhaps the application is partially down.
PHP Tutorial #02 Cookies (Create, Update and Delete)
You will learn how to create, modify and delete a cookie.
How We Run Redirection.io on SymfonyCloud
Lately, we have been playing with SymfonyCloud for the needs of one of our client’s projects. As the General Availability of the service has been announced earlier this week, we believe it is the right time to explain how we managed to get redirection.io's agent running on SymfonyCloud.
How to Install and Configure WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips?
In this article, I am going to educate you about how you can use WooCommerce PDF invoices and how you can maintain your online invoices.
Dividing Responsibilities - Part 2
This is another excerpt from my latest book, which is currently part of Manning's Early Access Program. Take 37% off Object Design Style Guide by entering fccnoback into the discount code box at checkout at manning.com. Make sure to read part 1 first.
WordPress Subdomain Guide: SEO Impacts, How to Set Them Up, and Use Them Efficiently
In this post, we’ll start off with a general discussion of subdomains and their SEO effect, as well as the pros and cons of using a subdomain.
There’s More Than One Way To Write An IP Address
Most of us write our IP addresses the way we've been taught, a long time ago:,, ... but that gets boring after a while, doesn't it? Luckily, there's a couple of ways to write an IP address, so you can mess with coworkers, clients or use it as a security measure to bypass certain (input) filters.
Functional Testing with PHP Page Objects and Mink
Page objects are a pattern that can be used to write clearer and more resilient test suites. This blog post will explore implementing page objects in PHP with the Mink library. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.4.0beta1 Released!
The PHP team is glad to announce the first beta release of PHP 7.4: PHP 7.4.0beta1. This continues the PHP 7.4 release cycle, the rough outline of which is specified in the PHP Wiki.
Laravel v6 Announcement!
Today at Laracon, Taylor announced Laravel 6 will be coming out in August and it will be version 6.0. With this release the framework will include new branding and a new website.
PHP Con China - August 10-11th 2019, Shanghai
The 7th Annual China PHP Conference is a 2-day event filled with high quality, technical sessions about PHP Core, PHP High Performance, PHP Engineering, AI and Blockchain more. Don’t miss out on two great days sessions, delicious food, fantastic shows and countless networking opportunities to engage with speakers and delegates. Tickets are on sale now.
SymfonyLive - September 24-27th 2019, Berlin
SymfonyLive Berlin is already on the horizon! As every year, we'll meet from September 24th to 27th at the MOA in Berlin to bring the German Symfony community together and talk about Symfony and PHP development in general. This is going to be the biggest SymfonyLive Berlin ever, we are going from a single day of talks to two days, and from two parallel tracks to three! Tickets are on sale now.
International PHP Conference - October 21st-25th 2019, Munich
With over a decade’s experience, the International PHP Conference is the must-attend event for web developers from around the globe. Attend inspiring sessions, unique in-depth workshops, and benefit from our experts’ invaluable insights! Tickets are on sale now.
Bulgaria PHP Conference November 8-10th 2019, Sofia
We are proud to announce the return of Bulgaria PHP Conference! The 2019 edition will take place from the 8th to the 10th of November in the emblematic National Palace of Culture in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference will consist of a training day and two conference days with two tracks, an unConf, a great theme, an awesome party, exquisite food and lots of beer (we take fun really seriously on the Balkans). Tickets are on sale now.
PHP Barcelona - 12-13th November 2019, Barcelona Spain
We've crafted the best PHP conference possible just for you. To allow you to see the future and get ready before nobody else. You'll gather top-notch speakers and an awesome community eager to share a lot of knowledge. All of this will take place in the very centre of the gorgeous city of Barcelona in an excellent venue. Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
That Podcast Episode 63: The One Where We Talk with Benjamin Eberlei about Tideways
Because we enjoy learning how SaaS projects tick.
PHP Internals News: Episode 20: Test Infrastructure Improvements
In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I chat with Nikita Popov (Twitter, GitHub) about improvements he and others have made to test PHP on many more platforms and in many more configurations.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Jason McCreary
Cal Evans and Jason McCreary sit down and talk about how Jason got into programming, and his projects Laravel Shift and BaseCode.
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 120: Taylor Otwell - Serverless Laravel with Vapor
In this episode, Adam talks to Taylor Otwell about Laravel Vapor, the new serverless platform for Laravel applications that was recently announced at Laracon US.
North Meets South Web Podcast Bonus Episode - North Meets South Meets No Plans To Merge
Jake and Michael catch up with Caleb Porzio and Daniel Coulbourne at Laracon US 2019 for a day one recap.
Beachcast Tech Videos 020 - Authentication in Laravel Tutorial for PHP Applications 102
Adam Culp of Beachcasts php programming videos shares how to create authentication in Laravel using the Artisan make:auth command. |
A Week of Symfony #656 (22-28 July 2019)
This week, Symfony 3.4.30, Symfony 4.2.11, and Symfony 4.3.3 maintenance versions were released. The 4.2.11 version is the last one in the 4.2 branch, so you are encouraged to upgrade to Symfony 4.3 as soon as possible. In addition, the second part of the schedule of the SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019 conference was published.
Watch Taylor Otwell Reveal Laravel Vapor at Laracon US
At the Laracon US conference in New York, Taylor Otwell released Laravel Vapor, a new platform for serverless hosting backed by AWS services. You can watch the presentation below.
Security Newsletter Issue 139
A weekly e-mail keeping you up-to-date with security news, with about 10 items in every issue.
This is the fourth time that the Drupal business Survey has been launched and every year it provides a wealth of information about the use of Drupal. With the survey, the organisers hope to gain more insight into key issues that agency leaders all over the world encounter.
New Course on the WordPress Customiser for Theme Designers
In our new course, Make Your Theme's Design Customisable With the WordPress Customiser, you'll learn how to add settings to the WordPress customiser so users of your theme can edit the layout, colours and content of their site. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Creates and manages locks, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource.
The next generation of trumpets. Now with 10% more whining sound.
Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP
A bundle to use Swarrot inside your Symfony application.
A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language.
A set of Nextcloud two-factor providers to send authentication codes via Signal, SMS and Telegram.
An asynchronous event driven PHP framework for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
Neard is a portable WAMP software stack involving useful binaries, tools and applications for your web development.
Free open source user management system for websites of organisations and groups, the system has a flexible role model so that it’s possible to reflect the structure and permissions of your organisation.
Code for database forms and Drupal module for the Lobbywatch.ch project.
PHP implementation of Circuit Breaker pattern which has multi strategies to avoid cascading failures and supports various storages to record statistics.
Functional programing is a fascinating concept. The purpose of this library is to explore Functors, Applicative Functors and Monads in OOP PHP, and provide examples of real world use case. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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