Hi there PHP fans.
The php.net team announced several releases this week - PHP 7.1.32, 7.2.22 and 7.3.9, all available now.
Symfony 4.3.4 and 3.4.31 are both also available as of last week.
PHP Japan Conference, the biggest PHP festival in Japan, has been announced for December the 1st. This is a one day event taking place in Tokyo, the Call for Papers is now open.
Plus find out what happened in the world of WordPress last month.
And finally, the Five Minute Geek Show podcast returns with an introduction to three new websites.
Have a great weekend folks,
Katie and Ade |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
There is a lot of talk about the direction of PHP as a language, there have been discussions on internals and open letters from community bloggers ... I think, actually, there is rather a lot of confusion in the air, and so I'm seeking to cleanse that air with this post.
A Letter To The PHP Team
To whomever contributes to PHP, from a userland developer. Let me start by thanking those who actively work on the PHP project. Those who contribute to the core, extensions, maintain the docs or vote on RFCs: thank you for a language that I can use every day both in my professional and personal life.
Welcome Carole Bernard to the Drupal Association
The Drupal Association (DA) is pleased to announce the recent hire of Carole Bernard as the Director of Marketing and Outreach. She and her team will focus on increasing visibility for the Drupal Association and opportunities for Drupal adoption through marketing, community engagement, volunteer management and public relations activities.
PHP Is Best?
The creator of PHP speaks out to explain and defend his creation. If you have ever criticised PHP, or have avoided it because others have, it might be time to give it a second chance. |
Tutorials and Talks
How to Password Protect Your WordPress Site: Every Method
Looking for a way to password protect WordPress? There are a lot of different ways that you can add password protection to your site, ranging from password protecting your entire WordPress site, just a specific piece of content, or even just part of an otherwise-public piece of content. In this post, we’re going to try and cover as many different methods as possible.
How To Use Data Providers in PHPUnit
Data Providers are a handy feature of PHPUnit which allows you to run the same test with different inputs and expected results. This is useful when you are writing some text filtering, transformations, URL generation, price calculations, etc.
Use htaccess File in WordPress to Secure, Optimise and Controlling Redirects
The .htaccess is an important WordPress core file that is often used to add, modify and override server-level configurations, security and performance parameters.
How Page Builder Plugins Make It Easy to Create a WordPress Website
There are many free and premium WordPress page builders in the market. In this post, I’ll show you the page builders available on CodeCanyon and some of the best add-ons to page builders.
Developed To-Do List in PHP Using Ajax
This one more post on making single page application using PHP PDO with Ajax. Here we will make a simple but very useful Ajax based To-do List Application using PHP, jQuery, Bootsrap and MySQL.
508 Loop Detected
508 Loop Detected is a status code that’s introduced by an extension of the WebDAV specification.
Receiving Input Into a Slim 4 Application
A Slim 4 (and Slim 3) application receives data from three places. Within the application, these are available within the PSR-7 Request object.
How To Log Like A Pro With Laravel & LogViewer
Laravel ships with a logging system that is easily utilised, these logs end up .txt log files within your project. Whilst in the text files, they are pretty useless and boring, but if you add a lovely little plugin named LogViewer, things become pretty awesome. LogView works with Laravel 5.0 all the way through to 5.8 so, most likely, you will be able to use it immediately.
Eloquent Subquery Enhancements in Laravel 6.0
During my Laracon US 2019 talk, I made reference to a couple of query builder macros I’ve been using that make it easier to use subqueries in Laravel. I’ve since submitted three pull requests to Laravel to add these to the core framework. Here’s an overview of each. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.3.9 Release Announcement
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.9. This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes.
PHP 7.2.22 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.22. This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes.
PHP 7.1.32 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.1.32. This is a security release. All PHP 7.1 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
Symfony 4.3.4 Released
Symfony 4.3.4 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
Symfony 3.4.31 Released
Symfony 3.4.31 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
Cascadia PHP - September 19th-21st 2019, Portland
Cascadia PHP’s focus is to foster community. We want you & every other participant at our conference to feel included & welcomed. We don't only touch on PHP topics, we also cover important things like Mental Health, the latest JavaScript and CSS techniques, soft skills and more. Tickets are on sale now.
SymfonyLive - September 24-27th 2019, Berlin
SymfonyLive Berlin is already on the horizon! As every year, we'll meet from September 24th to 27th at the MOA in Berlin to bring the German Symfony community together and talk about Symfony and PHP development in general. This is going to be the biggest SymfonyLive Berlin ever, we are going from a single day of talks to two days, and from two parallel tracks to three! Tickets are on sale now.
PHP Japan Conference - 1st December 2019, Tokyo
PHP Conference Japan is the biggest PHP festival in Japan, held in Tokyo. This one day festival covers all topics of PHP from an introductory seminar for early beginners to dedicated topics in detail for a wide variety of topics, like frameworks, DevOps, security, or PHP internals. The Call for Papers is open now.
Sunshine PHP Conference - February 6-8th 2020, Miami
The SunshinePHP Developer Conference is hosted by the South Florida PHP community (SoFloPHP) in Miami, Florida from February 6th - 8th, 2020, and you're invited! We'll host some of the best speakers, awesome talk topics, latest technologies, and up to date news in PHP. And don't forget our Hack-a-thon and Uncon'ference, as well as a great hallway track! The conference has something for every level of PHP developer. The Call for Papers is currently open and Blind Bird Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 122 - Matt Biilmann - Architecting the Netlify Dashboard with React and Redux
In this episode, Adam talks to Matt Biilmann CEO of Netlify about building the Netlify dashboard, and what makes it feel so fast.
Beachcast Tech Videos - Make Your Local DEV Environment Available On The Internet
Adam Culp of Beachcasts PHP programming videos shares how to create a public url for testing local applications by exposing local web servers through a tunnel. This enables clients to view and test what you're developing without provisioning it on a server somewhere. Ngrok is an awesome tool to open your development environment securely over the Internet.
The Five-Minute Geek Show Podcast Episode 111 - Introducing Onramp, OMGPHP and WhyPHP (ALL ALPHA!)
Introducing three new not-ready-for-real-time web sites I'm working on: Onramp, OMGPHP and WhyPHP.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 107 - To Mute or Not to Mute
A recent study found that a small percentage of individuals are largely responsible for the widespread sense that online interactions are hostile and toxic. Assuming this is true, is it possible that muting a handful of people will instantly remove the negativity in your feed?
PHP Ugly Podcast #161: Hardcore PHP
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including DigitalOcean final bring MySQL (and Redis) to their managed Database Service and The new Laravel website is live!
PHP Internals News: Episode 25: Security Management
This episode of "PHP Internals News" is the second and last part of a longer conversation that I had with Stanislav Malyshev (GitHub, LinkedIn) about security related aspects of PHP development. In this episode, we discuss how the PHP projects deals with security issues.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Roy Sivan
Listen as Cal Evans sits down with Roy Sivan and talks about how Roy got into programming and how Disney uses WordPress. |
The Month in WordPress: August 2019
This has been a particularly busy month, with a number of interesting and ambitious proposals for the WordPress project along with active progress across the entire community.
Looking For A New Adventure
Fourteen years ago, almost to the day, I received a job offer from Zend to join their nascent eBiz team, where I started contributing almost immediately to the yet-to-be-announced Zend Framework. I'm now looking for a new adventure.
Interview With Pinball Wizard Greg Dunlap, Senior Digital Strategist at Lullabot
Agiledrop is highlighting active Drupal community members through a series of interviews. Now you get a chance to learn more about the people behind Drupal projects. This time we talked with Greg Dunlap, pinball wizard and Lullabot's senior digital strategist. We spoke of how satisfying it is to work on interesting things with the right people, the importance of the Drupal Diversity and Inclusion initiative, and the close similarities between the Drupal community and Greg's local pinball community.
Security Newsletter Issue 144
A weekly e-mail keeping you up-to-date with security news, with about 10 items in every issue.
A Week of Symfony #661 (26 August - 1 September 2019)
This week, Symfony 3.4.31 and 4.3.4 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive London 2019 conference announced its workshops, talks and some surprises related to new Symfony components. Secure your seat now at the best price until September 6th.
PHP Web Frameworks Software Market is Booming Worldwide | Laravel, Phalcon Framework, CakePHP, Zend
Latest research study from HTF MI provide a comprehensive analysis of the Global PHP Web Frameworks Software Market is provided in this intelligence document. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
A temporary unblock solution and blockpage for your Pi-Hole system.
Powerful open-source web development framework and content manager with a focus on security, speed and flexibility.
An ad/malware blocking configuration file generator for bind, NSD, and other DNS resolvers.
A skeleton repository for my packages.
WP Crontrol lets you view and control what's happening in the WP-Cron system.
An implementation of the "4D" bin packing/knapsack problem i.e. given a list of items, how many boxes do you need to fit them all in taking into account physical dimensions and weights.
Laravel module for handling transactions from CoinPayment like a create transaction, history transaction, etc.
It is State Machine library written on PHP aimed to business process.
Backdrop is a full-featured content management system that allows non-technical users to manage a wide variety of content.
This is a class of php QR Code. This library helps you generate QR codes in a jiffy.
Extract data from html with elegant xpath/css expressions and prepare data with regexp in single line.
PHP's missing time range API, this package extends the concept to cover all basic operations regarding time ranges.
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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