Welcome to this weeks edition.
The sixth release candidate of PHP 7.4 has been announced, available now for testing. There has also been releases from Symfony and Laravel.
Also this week, pick up a few tips on how to keep your PHP code style under control.
In the latest Magetalk podcast listen to the guys talk about what they would do with one billion dollars!
Plus there's still time to submit a talk for consideration at the Midwest PHP Conference next April as the Call for Papers is still open.
And finally, in 2015 the WordPress community lost a much loved and well respected member, Kim Parsell. Learn about her legacy and the scholarship that has been created in her memory.
Have a great weekend PHP fans,
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
The PHP 7.4 Guide (new features)
Discover the new features of PHP 7.4, the next version of your favourite language.
Announcing the 2019 Impact Awards Winners
At php[world] in October, Oscar Merida announced the winners of thid year’s Impact Awards. We’re bringing back the annual awards to help recognise valuable contributors to the PHP community. Winners were tallied after two rounds of voting by php[architect] magazine authors.
5 Best WordPress Photography Themes in 2019 (Bring Your Portfolio to Life)
In the era of Social Media, photography has become a very popular skill – a lot of social media users upload pro-level pictures.
10 Best WordPress Facebook Plugins to Level Up Your Social Strategy
“You need to get on Facebook”. How many times have you heard that about your business? It may get a bit annoying, but Facebook is an essential part of connecting with users and getting content out to the masses. Whether you have a huge following already or not, it’s also important to find the best WordPress Facebook plugins to support your business page and prompting followers to share content. |
Tutorials and Talks
Show Course Schedules and Timetables With a WordPress Calendar Plugin
Websites often need to let users know about upcoming events like movie shows, exhibitions, and classes. Listing the schedule for upcoming events helps everyone save time and plan their activities. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use Timetable Responsive Schedule to create a weekly schedule to list different courses and their details.
Disable HTTP Sessions in Laravel To Speed Up Your API
If you run a Laravel application purely as a headless API, you can benefit from disabling the HTTP sessions. We use this setup for our Oh Dear monitoring service, where the remote servers that check for uptime are all headless Laravel setups.
Testing Migrating to Laminas
Zend Framework is renaming to Laminas and all the source code is moving to a new GitHub organisation. Implicitly this means a new PHP top level namespace. As you can imagine, this implies that a lot of our code will need to change, so Matthew, Michael and the team have been writing migration tooling to make this easier.
From 0 Doc Types to Full Type Declaration with Dynamic Analysis
I wrote How we Completed Thousands of Missing @var Annotations in a Day. If you have at least some annotations, you can use Rector to do the dirty work. To be honest, open-source is the top 1% code there is, but out in the wild of legacy established PHP companies, it's a miracle to see just one string type declaration. Are these projects lost? Do you have to quit them? And what if the annotations are lying?
Build Your Own React
We are going to rewrite React from scratch. Step by step. Following the architecture from the real React code but without all the optimisations and non-essential features.
Down the Malware Rabbit Hole: Part II
In our last post in this series, we took a look at a code snippet that had been encoded in a very specific way — and hidden 91 layers deep. Today, we’ll reveal how attackers achieve this level of encoding and investigate one of the many possible tools they can use to conceal malware on compromised websites.
A Few Tips on How to Keep Your PHP Code Style Under Control
How many times have you seen a code that seemed to be written in a rush? Multiple times, I believe. In some cases, it’s written by someone else, but pretty often your own creations, after some time, make you think “who the hell wrote this crap”? Keeping code clean ain’t easy and that’s why I’ve decided to present you with some tools which can help you keep your PHP code clean.
How to Visualise Symfony Logs in Dev with Elasticsearch and Kibana
Symfony comes with Monolog and some extension like easy-log-handler that writes logs in a fancier format in var/log/dev.log. But if you are building a complex application, many API endpoints can be hit at the same time, many workers can run at the same time, … and so, finding something can be very difficult.
Sending a Welcome Notification to New Users of a Laravel App
My team and I are currently building Mailcoach, a solution to self-host newsletters and email campaigns. In Mailcoach you can create new users to use the app. In this blogpost I'd like to explain how you can use the package.
AutoComplete Textbox With Multiple Field Using jQuery in PHP
In this post we are going to learn how to make Autocomplete Textbox, with feature like selection of multiple option by using Bootstrap Tokenfield plugin with Ajax, PHP and dynamic Mysql data. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.4.0RC6 Released!
The PHP team is glad to announce the sixth release candidate of PHP 7.4: PHP 7.4.0RC6. This continues the PHP 7.4 release cycle, the rough outline of which is specified in the PHP Wiki. Please DO NOT use this version in production, it is an early test version.
Symfony 5.0.0-RC1 Released
Symfony 5.0.0-RC1 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
Symfony 4.4.0-RC1 Released
Symfony 4.4.0-RC1 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
Laravel 6.5.1 Released
The Laravel team released v6.5.1 this week with the latest changes and fixes. This week is a patch version release, containing changes and fixes.
WordPress 5.2.4 Update
Late-breaking news on the 5.2.4 short-cycle security release that landed October 14.
ConFoo - February 26-28th 2020, Montreal
ConFoo Montreal is a multi-technology conference for web developers, with 155 presentations by popular international speakers, focused on pragmatic solutions for web developers. Great content and an amazing experience. Tickets are on sale now.
Midwest PHP Conference - 2nd-4th April 2020, Minnesota
The Midwest PHP Conference is hosted by the Minnesota PHP User Group community through the North Foundation in Bloomington, Minnesota. Our goal is to share best practices, ideas and techniques about building state-of-the-art software applications. The Call for Papers is still open, and tickets are available now.
Oscon - July 13-16th 2020, Portland
OSCON provides complete coverage of open source technology and projects, no matter the origin or affiliation. Rather than focus on a single language or aspect, our program solely focuses on projects in areas of innovation including cloud, AI, infrastructure, blockchain, edge computing, architecture and emerging languages. The Call for Speakers is now open.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Chris Riley
Host Cal Evans talks to the organiser of PHP Yorkshire, Chris Riley, about how he got into programming and what it's like to run a conference.
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 128: Alasdair Monk - Scaling CSS at Heroku with Utility Classes
In this episode, Adam talks to Alasdair Monk about how they approach CSS at Heroku, and how using a utility-based approach has kept their team happy for the last three years.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #209 - “Just-in-Time-Doc’ing”
The boys are very energetic in today's episode where they talk about the future of the world as we know it, what they would do with a billion dollars, and the spooky Magento 1 end of life looming ever closer. Listen now!
Laravel News Podcast LN104 - Confirming Password, Geocoding and Muting Observers
Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 111 - Identifying CSS Animation Bottlenecks
One of the more frustrating aspects of front-end development stems from the fact that even the smallest of alterations has the potential to derail your entire week. In this episode, we'll discuss how to track browser-specific CSS performance issues.
PHP Ugly Podcast #169: Three Grumpy Men
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including laser-based audio injection on voice-controllable systems.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 66: Reviewing Code With New Developers
In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss reviewing code with new or junior developers, answering a question from Twitter. |
People of WordPress: Kim Parsell
We’d like to introduce you to Kim Parsell. Kim was an active and well-loved member of the WordPress community. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2015. Lovingly referred to as #wpmom, she leaves behind a legacy of service.
A Week of Symfony #672 (11-17 November 2019)
This week, Symfony 2.8.52, 3.4.35, 4.2.12 and 4.3.8 versions were published to fix some security vulnerabilities. In addition, Symfony 4.4-beta and 5.0-beta were published so you can test these upcoming versions in your projects. Meanwhile, the new ErrorHandler component was simplified and performance was improved when checking for cache freshness. Finally, the upcoming Symfony 5: The Fast Track book published some updates and will be fully unveiled next week at the SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019 conference.
PHP Typehint Usage in 2019
Overall Typehint Usage - PHP typehints were introduced in PHP 5. Ever since, they have grown in features and usage. Where are we at the moment?
Closing Modals With The Back Button in a Vue SPA
I recently gave my first conference talk, titled "The Laravel Developer's Guide to Vue SPAs" at Laracon AU. I shared a variety of different solutions and techniques that I discovered while building GiftyDuck — a social wish list and gift reminder service, built with a Vue SPA front end and Laravel back end.
International Splash Awards: A Celebration of Drupal Innovation
The 3rd edition of the International Splash Awards, inaugurated at Drupal Europe 2018 as the European Splash Awards, was held in conjunction with the 2019 European DrupalCon in Amsterdam. We were happy to be able to help out with the event by being the “platinum-diamond-main-and-only sponsor”, as the organisers so eloquently put it in the post-event newsletter.
Interview with James Rose – Co-founder of Content Snare
Running an agency is no easy task and involves many challenges. One of the challenges web developers and agencies face is gathering the right content from the clients. Our guest today faced a similar problem while developing websites for his clients which he solved by creating a product around it. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Scarlets is a web framework for PHP that can help you build a website with API and another build-in system.
A PHP array manipulation library, compatible with PHP 7+.
PHP engine for developing well structured web applications with a content manager.
This is a simple Cache Abstraction Layer for PHP >= 7.0 that provides a simple interaction with your cache-server.
Generate, parse, validate, error-correct and present IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information in PHP.
Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using Gravity Forms.
A simple pastebin implement in PHP.
Custom Laravel File Generators with a config file and publishable stubs. You can publish the stubs. You can add your own stubs to generate.
A Redis bundle for Symfony supporting Predis and PhpRedis.
The enhavo CMS is a open source PHP project on top of the fullstack Symfony framework and uses awesome Sylius components to serve a very flexible software, that can handle most of complex data structure with a clean and usability interface.
Power of object-oriented programming with the elegance of functional programming in PHP.
Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim 4 Framework application. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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