Welcome to this weeks edition.
Rasmus Lerdorf was the keynote speaker at last months PHP Barcelona Conference, talking about the history of PHP among other topics. Watch the video here.
Also the PHP Serbia Conference has been announced for next May in Belgrade. The Call for Papers is now open.
The five minute geek show podcast talks about how your online presence affects your job applications.
Plus learn about GitHub Actions and see what it brings to the Laravel community.
Finally, the December edition of php[architect] magazine is out now. Titled Expedition PHP it covers a variety of topics including moving between frameworks and contributing to open source.
Enjoy your read!
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Crafty Code Coverage
Xdebug's code coverage functionality has had dead code analysis for years. It is used to be able to mark lines of as having executable code on it, as well as lines which can not be reached. In order to provide this functionality it runs an algorithm code after each file has been compiled. For each class and function it checks whether the algorithm to analyse executable lines and dead code has already been run, as it makes no sense to check it for the same class, method, or function twice.
Streamlining Laravel
Lately more and more people have asked me, "What would I change in Laravel?" Before answering, let me say, I love Laravel! Not only have I enjoyed using Laravel for all my projects over the last 6 years. But Laravel has also allowed me to work full-time on my own projects, as well as travel the world. So this isn’t one of those fractal of bad design. No, this is a proposal of ideas for future versions of the framework.
Get Your PHP on IBM i, Hold the Zend
PHP was one of the first open source technologies to make an impact on the IBM i server. But due to the arrangement that IBM made with Zend, the PHP technology has been tied to a specific software distribution controlled by Zend. But now, IBM i shops that want to use PHP but don’t want to pay for the Zend Server distribution after the first free year of support is up now have a free option available – and it’s from the Zend folks themselves, no less.
A Recap of 2019 by Freek Van der Herten
A year ago, I wrote a recap of 2018. Now that 2019 is coming to a close, I thought it might be fun to write a similar post on what I did this year.
More Changes Coming for the Laminas Project
Progress has been happening at a furious pace on the Zend Framework to Laminas transition, with major changes still dropping even now. |
Tutorials and Talks
Laravel and MySQL 8: Fixing MySQL Server Has Gone Away Error
Update December 6, 2019: Ayesh Karunaratne shared his post on fixing this issue, and clarified that PHP 7.4 does indeed support the new default MySQL password plugin. This post has been updated to correct some inaccurate information in the original post.
Adding Twig as a View Renderer to Slim in PHP
Slim is an excellent PHP micro-framework. Out of the box it gives you compatibility with PHP standards (PSRs), PSR-11 for the container, PSR-7 for HTTP messages and PSR-15 for middleware. But where do we start? Let's take a look at installing a clean installation of Slim from a community skeleton, and add our first component to it; the Twig templating engine.
Getting Started With GitHub Actions and Laravel
When GitHub released its new product: GitHub Actions a whole new world opened for developers. Let's dive right in and see what it brings for the Laravel community.
How to Sell Tickets With a WordPress Event Calendar and Tickets Plugin
In this post, I'll show you how to use the WordPress Events Calendar Registration and Tickets plugin to create different types of events for your website. Most importantly, I'll show you how to keep track of all attendees and sell tickets for your events.
Design Patterns in PHP [Factory Method Pattern]
Design patterns help solve problem that you do not know you will have. The Factory Method Pattern will make the creation of your object scalable and easy to manage.
How to Host WordPress on AWS Cloud Server
Okay, so today we’re going to learn how to host WordPress on AWS Cloud server. Before we begin, though, let’s see why WordPress is the best CMS choice for your online presence.
Reinventing The Wheel When Encoding Links in JSON
Links are critical when writing good REST APIs. Most APIs these days use JSON for their main format. Unfortunately, there’s no universally agreed on way to encode a link in JSON.
The state pattern is one of the best ways to add state-specific behaviour to models, while still keeping them clean. This chapter will talk about the state pattern, and specifically how to apply it to models. You can think of this chapter as an extension to chapter 4, where I wrote about how we aim to keep our model classes manageable by preventing them from handling business logic. |
News and Announcements
PHP Benelux - 23rd-24th January 2020, Antwerp
PHPBenelux conference is a non-commercial, community driven technology conference about PHP and related technologies. Tickets are on sale now.
ConFoo - February 26-28th 2020, Montreal
ConFoo Montreal is a multi-technology conference for web developers, with 155 presentations by popular international speakers, focused on pragmatic solutions for web developers. Great content and an amazing experience. Tickets are on sale now.
Midwest PHP Conference - 2nd-4th April 2020, Minnesota
The Midwest PHP Conference is hosted by the Minnesota PHP User Group community through the North Foundation in Bloomington, Minnesota. Our goal is to share best practices, ideas and techniques about building state-of-the-art software applications. Tickets are available now.
PHP Serbia Conference - 21st-23rd May 2020, Belgrade
PHP Srbija (PHP Serbia) is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit association which gathers PHP experts and enthusiasts, with the goal of popularisation of PHP programming language, as well as sharing knowledge and experiences among the community of PHP developers in Serbia. The Call for Papers is open and tickets are on sale now.
Oscon - July 13-16th 2020, Portland
OSCON provides complete coverage of open source technology and projects, no matter the origin or affiliation. Rather than focus on a single language or aspect, our program solely focuses on projects in areas of innovation including cloud, AI, infrastructure, blockchain, edge computing, architecture and emerging languages. The Call for Speakers is now open.
Podcasts and Vlogs
The Five-Minute Geek Show Podcast Episode 113
Your online presence matters in job applications.
Laravel News Podcast LN107 - Snoozed Notifications, Telephoned Notifications and Enhanced Installers
Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials and happenings in the community.
PHP Ugly Podcast #170: PHPUgly+
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including the launch of Microsoft’s Edge Chromium browser next month.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Francesca Marano
This week Cal Evans spoke to Francesca Marano, WordPress Community Manager at SiteGround. |
25 Years of PHP with Rasmus Lerdorf
The keynote speaker at this year’s PHP Barcelona conference was Rasmus Lerdorf the creator of PHP and he gave an excellent talk about the history of PHP, PHP 7.4 & 8, career advice, motivation, burn-out and focusing on things that really matter.
php[architect] Magazine December 2019 - Expedition PHP
Any career today requires continual learning and curiosity for success. Building web applications with PHP is not exempt. The PHP of today is light-years better than the scripts that initially made up “Personal Home Page/Form Interpreter.” In this issue, we examine moving between frameworks, understanding your mental health, contributing to open source and more.
A Week of Symfony #675 (2-8 December 2019)
This week, development activity focused on fixing the bugs reported for the recent Symfony 4.4 and 5.0 versions. We also improved the Slugger to make it more portable and added support for autowiring PHP 7.4 typed properties. Lastly, the videos of SymfonyCon 2019 Amsterdam conference were published.
People of WordPress: Jill Binder
You’ve probably heard that WordPress is open-source software, and may know that it’s created and run by volunteers. WordPress enthusiasts share many examples of how WordPress changed people’s lives for the better. This monthly series shares some of those lesser-known, amazing stories.
Launch Your Career as a Full-Stack Developer With This 26-Hour Course
When you decide to change careers, there’s never any time to waste. This particularly holds true if you choose a career in code, where practical knowledge is everything. The Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course helps you turn pro faster, with 26 hours of video tutorials and 23 exciting projects. You can get the training now for $11.19 at the XDA Developers Depot, using discount code GREENMONDAY20 for 20% off the sale price.
SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019 Was A Blast!
The Symfony community met two weeks ago in Amsterdam, Netherlands, for the international Symfony conference from November 19th to 23rd in the great Beurs Van Berlage monument. We were super pleased to welcome more than 1600 people, more than 30 speakers and our amazing sponsors. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
A tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once.
A CakePHP plugin that makes working with AJAX a piece of cake.
EventSauce is a somewhat opinionated, no-nonsense and easy way to introduce event sourcing into PHP projects.
A fast, simple yet very efficient email queuing system for PHP/MySQL.
Greyhole uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives, and allows you to create redundant copies of the files you store.
The Routing component maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables.
Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way.
Provides integration for Twig with various Symfony components.
PMSF (PokeMap Standalone Frontend) is a standalone PHP map interface that is able to run on any traditional web server.
A flexible, elegant, fast and easy-to-use content management system written in PHP.
This package provides some handy array functions.
A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener with CLI and REST interfaces. |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
So, how did you like this issue?