Welcome to this weeks PHPweekly.
At DrupalCon Amsterdam the formation of a Contribution Recognition Committee was announced, seeking volunteers to participate on the committee who represented a variety of personas within the Drupal community. There was a tremendous response to this call to action, and the committee has now been assembled.
Also this week we have a recap of the key achievements and success stories of Magento over 2019.
SymfonyLive Paris takes place at the end of March and there's just one day left to submit your proposals as the Call for Papers ends tomorrow.
Plus, in the latest podcast from the PHP Town Hall team, the guys are joined by James Brooks talking mental health for software developers.
And finally, we've plenty of dates for your diary with a compilation of various conferences taking place in 2020.
Have a great weekend,
Katie and Ade |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Why is First Instant Feedback Crucial to Developers?
Do you open-source? Then you now that instant feedback is crucial to your contributors. The same applies to private companies. There are 2 types of feedback: from human and machine. Which and how can we improve?
Contribution Recognition Committee Selected
At DrupalCon Amsterdam we announced the formation of a Contribution Recognition Committee. The purpose of this committee is to recommend solutions for how we recognize contributions to the Drupal project made by both individual and organisational contributors, and to advise the Drupal Association on how to weight each type of contribution relative to the others.
Magento Recap 2019: Key Achievements, Success Stories & What Experts Say
During the last year, Magento managed to make great strides in terms of product innovation, business growth, and exploring new avenues for revenue generation. The popular ecommerce platform also managed to integrate new user-friendly features, thereby attracting thousands of satisfied customers. The platform had also created opportunities for developers with some of the amazing tools that lead them to learn something new and stay competitive in the market. Without further delay, let’s check out the Magento overview of the year 2019.
Best YouTube Channels to Learn Programming in 2020: Start Your Way to Web Development with These Channels
Every day, you get to know about the new dev language releasing in the market and making its repute for the new features. This is what the web world is all about, introducing the new technologies and making them viable for the commercial world. So, here, we have compiled some of the highly rated web development YouTube channels, which have millions of subscribers and are watched 24×7 hours by thousands of budding developers.
20 Best WordPress Calendar Plugins and Widgets
In this article, we will feature a selection of the best-selling calendar WordPress plugins and widgets from CodeCanyon. These premium calendar plugins and widgets are designed to give you complete control over the calendar creation process and help you set up a calendar or booking system that fits your particular business. We'll also cover some of the best free calendar plugins and widgets for you to download if you're on a tight budget. |
Tutorials and Talks
Set Up PHP CodeSniffer for Local Development
PHP_CodeSniffer (PHPCS) is a tool that validates your code against a set of predefined standards and ensures that such standards are maintained across the team. This tutorial will walk you through automating those validations during development by setting up PHPCS on Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and PHPStorm.
Zen Cart “PayPal” Skimmer
While we mostly see skimmers on Magento based websites, this does not mean that less-popular ecommerce platforms are safe from infections with similar payment information stealing malware.
Where Is php.ini, the PHP Configuration File?
In this tutorial, we’re going to discuss php.ini—the main configuration file in PHP. From the beginner’s perspective, we’ll discuss what it’s meant for, where to locate it, and a couple of important configuration settings it provides.
Remove All History From a GitHub Repository
From time to time I need to remove all history from a GitHub repository, for instance right before releasing a package I've worked on in private. Sometimes I don't want people to see all mistakes I've made along the way :-).
Dumping Specific Tables in MySQL Using mysqldump
Here’s a small little trick when using mysqldump: you don’t have to dump an entire database, you can dump individual tables too.
Setup Your Local Environment for Open Source Package Contributions
One of the most important steps to get started in contributing to an open source package is to set up your local environment.
How to Undo a Commit in Git
A lot of developers struggling with undoing commits in git. From time to time, one accidentally commits changes that should not be in the tree. I like to show you how to undo these changes, either locally or remotely.
Malicious JavaScript Used in WP Site/Home URL Redirects
Our team recently found a malicious JavaScript injection within the WordPress index.php theme file on a compromised WordPress website which ultimately redirects site visitors to a survey-for-gifts scam website. At this time of writing, we have seen over two thousand new infected sites since we started tracking this infection. |
News and Announcements
Symfony Live - March 26-27th 2020, Paris
Join us at the French SymfonyLive conference in Paris, on March 26th-27th. The Call for Papers ends on January 24th and Tickets are on sale now.
DrupalCon - 18th-22nd May 2020, Minneapolis
At this annual gathering, you can share your knowledge and skills about Drupal innovation with others to help drive the Drupal project’s growth by becoming a speaker. You can participate in informative sessions, and opt for popular trainings and/or a summit within your industry to master Drupal for improved customer satisfaction. Tickets are on sale now.
php[tek] - May 18th-21st 2020 - Nashville, TN
Welcome to php[tek] 2020 where we combine leadership, expertise, and networking in one event. A relaxing atmosphere for tech leaders and developers to share, learn and grow professionally while also providing you with the knowledge to solve your everyday problems. Join us on the journey to be excited about work again! Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
PHP fwdays'20 is the largest conference in Ukraine for PHP developers, and for those who want to learn about a wide range of new technologies, reveal the latest trends. At PHP fwdays’20 well-known international and Ukrainian PHP experts meet the audience: users and developers, architects, team leads etc. The highest level of the program is guaranteed by several stages of selection and rehearsals for every speaker. Tickets are on sale now.
Nomad PHP US - February 20th 2020 6:00 PST
PHP on Lambda with Custom Runtimes, presented by Ian Littman. At re:invent 2018, Amazon released custom runtime support and Layers for their Lambda function-as-a-service runtime. With this release, the fact that the company still doesn't have an official PHP Lambda runtime becomes more or less irrelevant, since we as developers can create our own without undue overhead. This talk will show you how Lambda custom runtimes work, how to build one that speaks PHP, and how to use pre-built custom runtime layers for either one-off job processing or behind a load balancer or API Gateway to serve web traffic with extreme infrastructure elasticity.
Nomad PHP EU - February 20th 2020 11:00 PST
Map, Filter and Reduce in PHP, presented by Derek Binkley. Even though Map Reduce was created for parallelization, which PHP does not natively support, the syntax is supported. In this article I will outline how to use map, filter, and reduce with PHP collections and the benefits you can gain over traditional for loops. In this talk we will explore different methods of processing and manipulating collections of data giving you new tools in your developer’s toolbox. |
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Town Hall Podcast #71: Forging Happy Developers
Matt Trask and Ben Edmunds are joined by James Brooks to discuss what it’s like working for Laravel, his new podcast HappyDev, and mental health for software developers.
The Laracasts Snippets Episode 117 - This is How We Elect a President
To offer something different this week, let's tear down and inspect a recent conflict on the US presidential debate stage.
PHP Ugly Podcast #174: Night of Arrays
This week Eric, Thomas and John discuss various topics including how three years after the W3C approved a DRM standard, it's no longer possible to make a functional indie browser.
Post Status Draft Podcast - Scott Bolinger on WordPress, JAMstack and The Future of The Independent Developer
In this episode, Scott and I dig into his experience as an indie developer within the WordPress landscape.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with John P Bloch
This week Cal Evans chatted to lead developer of WP_Mock John P Bloch. |
A Week of Symfony #681 (13-19 January 2020)
This week, Symfony's development activity focused on fixing bugs and minor issues. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 5.1 version added a feature to support scalar denormalisation in the Serialiser component. Finally, there were some updates about the Symfony 5 book.
How PHP Updates Affect Performance
Hello, this is Mikel Bruce with Tiny Frog Technologies and I’ve shot a couple of videos out in our parking lot in front of my car talking about website maintenance in relation to maintaining cars. And the analogy I want to use today is if you have a car and you get a recall notice from the manufacturer, it’s probably in your best interest to take the car in and get that fixed because if you don’t do that, you could have issues with your car.
WordPress Leaders Nominated for CMX Awards
Two members of the WordPress leadership team were nominated for excellent work in their field in the first ever Community Industry Awards. Andrea Middleton is nominated for Executive Leader of a Community Team and Josepha Haden Chomphosy is nominated for Community Professional of the Year.
Best PHP Courses
Always wanted to learn PHP from scratch? Now’s the perfect time. There are hundreds of online courses to help you master the basics. And if you already have experience with the programming language, intermediate and advanced courses are also available.
WordPress, JavaScript and PHP Conferences to Add to Your Calendar in 2020
Whether you’re hoping to speak at a conference, looking to network or just there to learn, attending a conference can be beneficial to you and your career in a number of ways. We’ve compiled the following list of conferences any WordPress developer might enjoy to help with your travel & conference plans for 2020. |
Web Full Stack Engineer
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Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Auth Component extends the functionality of Illuminate\Auth with the extra functionality to retrieve users' role. This is important when we want to manage application Access Control List (ACL).
SysGen is crud scaffolding. Generates PHP code using FormDin FrameWork.
FormDin or Dynamic Form is a PHP framework for creating web system quickly and easily. Front-end, Back-end and DataBase.
Scarlets is a web framework for PHP that can help you build a website with API and another build-in system.
Octopy is a lightweight PHP web framework inspired by Laravel framework and its use is almost like Laravel, for people who build web sites using PHP.
"Firefly III" is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more.
A Symfony bundle to manage fixtures with Alice and Faker.
This package contains extensions for Doctrine ORM and MongoDB ODM that offer new functionality or tools to use Doctrine more efficiently.
Provides a GitHub repository template for a PHP library, using GitHub actions.
Ray.Aop package provides method interception. This feature enables you to write code that is executed each time a matching method is invoked.
A WordPress plugin that brings many backend functionality to the site frontend.
GitHub application for managing PocketMine-family plugins, and website for sharing plugins. |
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