Welcome to the latest edition of phpweekly.com.
We start this week with several releases from the PHP development team; PHP 7.4.5, 7.3.17 and 7.2.30 are all available immediately.
Also recently released is Laravel 7.6 with thirteen new features.
The Laravel Podcast has returned! Season Four is here with a new format and a different guest each week.
Plus the #DrupalCares campaign is well under way, a fundraising effort across the Drupal Community to secure the future of the Drupal Association. Find out how the campaign is progressing.
Stay Safe and Well.
All the best,
Ade and Katie |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
PHP Frameworks: Top 12 Factors to Consider
There are many frameworks to choose from including Laminas (formerly Zend Framework), Laravel, Symfony, Nette, Yii, and CakePHP. Deciding which one is best for you is easier when you compare how each framework addresses the following 12 capabilities in relation to your requirements.
Is PHP Web Hosting The Best Option To Safely Deploy A New Website?
It is 25 years ago that programmer Rasmus Lerdorf released version one of the PHP programming language. Initially, PHP was nothing but a software library written for PERL Lerdorf had developed for his own personal use. That being said, this new language was immediately met with a lot of excitement: its popularity couldn’t be more obvious today, as PHP is one of the most commonly used open-source languages in the context of web development. But why opt for PHP web hosting in order to deploy a new website? What advantages are there in choosing this type of hosting?
The History of Remote Work, 1560-Present (with Infographic)
Around the world, more people than ever are engaging in remote work. While the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive migration away from the traditional workplace, the evolution of remote work began long before. From the world’s first offices to the social and technological shifts that spawned a remote revolution, this infographic tells the story. |
Tutorials and Talks
Revisiting PHP Design Pattern Concepts in Drupal 8
There are many concepts of Drupal 8 based on object-oriented PHP, which we might not have nailed it earlier, so let’s get a good refresher on the same to see its implementation as well as the use cases.
How To Install Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP) Stack on CentOS 8 [Quickstart]
In this tutorial, you’ll install a LAMP stack on a CentOS 8 server. Although MySQL is available from the default repositories in CentOS 8, this guide will walk through the process of setting up a LAMP stack with MariaDB as the database management system.
Don't Show Your Privates to Public
With typed properties in PHP 7.4, there comes a natural tendency for using properties as public. The type check is already there, right? It's a dangerous path that opens the door to static code with public properties everywhere, that is asking for a change in any place. But is that ok to show privates to the public?
The Beauty of Single Action Controllers
Yesterday Jeffrey Way posted a tweet where he asked if people prefer to name their controllers singular or plural. I replied that I did neither and used Single Action Controllers. What ensued was a stream of replies from people agreeing, disagreeing or even doing the weirdest things.
How to Upload a Google HTML Verification File to WordPress and Boost Your SEO
In this article, I’ll cover two ways that you can register your website with the Google Search Console: uploading a Google HTML verification file to your WordPress account, and copy/pasting some code into your website’s homepage. Regardless of how you’re hosting your WordPress website, by the end of this article you can be confident that Google will have no problems finding, crawling and indexing your site.
Composer Require Specific Version While Ignoring Package Dependencies
I’m working on some new versions of PHP packages, and for that I’m working off a temporary branch. I wanted to update my local composer packages, but ran into a package constraint.
Higher Kinded Types in PHP - The Issue
Higher kinded types are one of those features which allows to write code in a very different way, to create and manage abstractions which are not possible otherwise. Few languages, such as Haskell, Scala and Purescript, feature them natively, but luckily it is possible to emulate them also in other languages. Still, to do that you need to have at hand a type system which comprises type variables (usually called generics in the object oriented realm).
6 Laravel Eloquent Secrets to Improve Your Code
In this post, we’ll show you more or less hidden secrets, methods and properties you might not know to improve your code.
How to Install phpBB on Cloud Server
With the phpBB administrator, you can make any changes to the code without asking for permission. phpBB grants you the power to build your virtual community on your website, configured with user administration, story posting, messaging, comments, pools and more. It uses PHP and MySQL, and therefore requires an advanced or higher account at pair networks.
My First Golang
I've written a fair amount of Golang, but until recently, none of it made its way into a production. In fact, I've thrown away most of the Go code I've written. Some was part of side projects that went nowhere. Some were just practice (getting used to concurrency, channels, error handling, etc).
Using PEST in Laravel
In case you didn't notice, recently I have been working in a secret project called Pest: a delightful PHP Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. In this article, we are going to use PEST in a fresh Laravel application.
Fast. Faster. Composer 2.0
A few days ago Jordi announced the first dev build of Composer 2.0. I immediately went and downloaded it. Since version 2.x should be a lot faster, I thought it is a good idea to test it against a current Magento 2 project I am working on. I was a bit disappointed first because Composer failed with quite a few errors. Thankfully Nils took some time to explain to me in detail what is happening and why. |
News and Announcements
PHP 7.4.5 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.5. This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.3.17 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.17 This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. All PHP 7.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
PHP 7.2.30 Release Announcement
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.30. This is a security release. All PHP 7.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
Laravel 7.6 Released
The Laravel team released v7.6.0 yesterday with thirteen new features, along with the latest fixes and changes for the 7.x branch.
PhpStorm 2020.1 is Here
PhpStorm 2020.1 was released this week, the next major version of the popular PHP IDE environment, with significant areas of improvement and new features.
DrupalCon - 18th-22nd May 2020, Minneapolis
An Update on DrupalCon North America.
As I mentioned in the March 18th update, we won’t be hosting the event in May; that much is clear. We have been and are continuing to work through Plan B (and C, and D) to find a way forward that brings our community together while putting everyone's health and welfare first. Some of our major hotel contracts have shown flexibility, and we continue to work with the convention center around options. The situation evolves almost every day, as does the governmental guidance on both the federal and state level, and I’m hopeful we will be able to make additional progress around our alternate conference plan over the coming week.
SymfonyLive October 13-16th 2020, Berlin
The SymfonyLive Berlin 2020 conference is coming from October 13th to 16th. Join us at the only Symfony conference organised in Germany at the beautiful Mercure Hotel Moa Berlin, with two workshop days followed by two conference days. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now and the Call for Papers is open.
NomadPHP - Twitch Replay: Beautiful Code - The Way of the Developer
April 25th 2020 1pm PDT, presented by Midwest PHP. Come join Jesse Davis, EVP of Product & Technology at Devada, as he takes us through his experiences and best practices for building ground-breaking products, choosing what technology is right for you, and how to assemble and grow a great team of developers that achieve their potential. Whether you’re a software developer looking to get some tips on the development cycle or a tech executive who wants a better performing team, you’ll find real-world examples and solutions that can make your teams and processes better.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Laravel News Podcast LN115 - Cashier, Eloquent Secrets and Poser Factories
Jake and Michael discuss Cashier, Eloquent secrets, and poser factories.
Laravel Podcast Series 4: Episode 1 - Introducing Laravel Podcast Season Four
We're back! It's a new season, and a new format: Each episode will bring a guest or guests on to talk about a single topic in the Laravel world.
PHP Internals News: Episode 49: COPA
In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I converse with Jakob Givoni (LinkedIn) about the "Compact Object Property Assignment", or COPA for short, RFC that he is proposing for inclusion in PHP 8.
PHPUgly #185: Opinions On Tap
This week Eric, John and Thomas discuss various topics including PHP 8's release schedule. |
Interview with Chris Bryant – Web Hosting Specialist and Director of OPMC
Today, we have a guest who is famous for his contributions to plugin development, especially in WooCommerce. He is a known speaker, founder, and a web hosting specialist with several years of experience working with a number of businesses around the world.
#DrupalCares: Frequently Asked Questions, Answered!
Angie Sabin, the Drupal Association Director of Finance and Operations, answers your frequently asked questions about the #DrupalCares campaign.
Why I Joined Nomad PHP
I finally joined NomadPHP because in the current climate, I feel like I need to give back to the community, and share some of the things that I've learned over the years.
GitHub Is Now Free For Teams
GitHub just announced a few big changes to its pricing plans and introduced a very nice free plan.
A Week of Symfony #694 (13-19 April 2020)
This week Symfony celebrated a new edition of its SymfonyLive Online Conference. Talks focused on the Symfony Notifier component and the PHP class preloading in Symfony applications. In addition, the SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2020 conference announced that its early bird registration is open until April 27th. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
PHP Enum implementation (Java-like) for PHP 7.4+.
Enables you to add Ajax Like button into your WordPress and allowing your visitors to like and unlike posts,comments, BuddyPress activities & bbPress topics.
Comments is a Laravel package. With it you can easily implement native comments for your application.
Portable WAMP software stack involving useful binaries, tools and applications for your web development.
A opinionated Authorisation package to closely integrate with standard Laravel Gates.
Do you use Symfony, Coding Standards, maintain PHP packages, automate monorepo, generate static website and are you lazy? You'll love the candies you find here! :)
An open source, web based interface for managing domains/mailboxes/aliases etc on a Postfix based mail server.
Track WordPress user and system actions for debugging, logging and compliance purposes.
Custom Laravel File Generators with a config file and publishable stubs. You can publish the stubs. You can add your own stubs to generate.
WikkaWiki (aka Wikka) is a flexible, standards-compliant and lightweight wiki engine written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages.
Useful skeleton for RESTful API development with PHP and Slim 4.
WordPress plugin that provides instant switching between user accounts. |
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