Welcome to the latest edition of phpweekly.com.
This week we bring various releases for Joomla, Laravel and Symfony.
Stay Safe and Well.
All the best,
Ade and Katie |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
#DrupalCares Fundraising Update & Program Enhancements
Carrie Lacina, the Drupal Association’s Director of Fund Development, provides an update on fundraising efforts and program enhancements.
Everything You Need To Look For In A PHP Developer To Benefit Your Company
Although PHP has been in the market for quite some time now, the recent years have seen a drastic increase in its use for new projects. The fact that it is highly flexible and can be used for anything from server run scripting to developing end-to-end software makes it a preferred choice for developers.
New in PHP 8
PHP 8, the new major PHP version, is expected to be released on December 3, 2020. It's in very active development right now, so things are likely to change a lot in the upcoming months. |
Tutorials and Talks
Debug MySQL Slow Query
Slow MySQL query is a common cause of the application bottleneck. Slow queries are often discovered when a large dataset is added, which means they often happen in a production environment. In this tutorial, we will learn how to debug slow MySQL queries.
Switching phubb's HTTP Client
phubb is a WebSub hub that notifies subscribers in realtime when your website is updated.
Creating a Simple Link Registry
The problem: if you publish any document as PDF, in print, etc. and the text contains URLs, there is a chance that one day those URLs won't work anymore. There's nothing to do about that, it happens. Luckily, this is a solved problem.
How to Add and Edit Categories in WordPress
Categories are a crucial part of the way WordPress organises posts, pages and many other things. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to add and edit your own categories.
Managing Multiple PHP Versions Via The ondrej/php PPA
Last week, I did some system updates, and then decided to compile the most recent PHP releases. I've used phpbrew to manage multiple PHP releases for a number of years, and having it install a new version is fairly routine.
High-Precision Time: How To Use Fractional Seconds in MySQL and PHP
Once I caught myself thinking about time in databases and realised that I nearly always used time with one-second precision just because it was a common way to it, as well as because that was exactly what was written in manuals in lots of examples. Today, however, this level of precisions is no longer sufficient for many applications.
Advanced Level Tips To Boost Your Site Performance
A good-looking Drupal-based website is essential to engage the audience but what if the website is slow? The visitor will lose interest and may not return ever! Since we have already covered basic and intermediate level tips for optimising the website, this blog would cover 8 advanced level tips to help you up your game in this fast-paced digital environment.
Higher Kinded Types in PHP - The Solution
In our previous post we reviewed the concepts of value, type and kind and we saw how abstracting on types of a specific kind is an issue when working with a type system like the one provided by Psalm (or generally a type system which does not track kinds, like the ones of Typescript, Java, C#, …). In this post we will see how we can actually bypass this limitation and implement higher kinded types in PHP using Psalm as a type checker.
Making Bugs Ex-Bugs With Xdebug
Xdebug is an indispensable tool for every PHP developer. PHP’s favorite real-time debugger, it supports breakpoints, more detailed debug output, and deeper introspection of PHP code to determine just what it’s doing (and what it’s doing wrong). Sadly, it comes at a huge cost in performance, though, making it unsuitable for production.
How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa
MySQL is a popular and mature SQL based database system used by millions of servers around the world to cater to commercial and enterprise demands of data storage. It is free (open source) database system. Unlike Microsoft Access, for example, MySQL only provides pure database functionality. The management of the databases, the programming of forms, queries or reports is reserved for external applications.
How To Install WordPress on Windows Computer Locally
In this article, We are going to teach you the simplest way to install WordPress on windows computer using EasyPHP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP – abbreviated as WAMP ) localhost software.
How to Find Dead Symfony Routes
Almost half a year ago, I spotted a post called Route Usage Package for Laravel. It's nice to have to see what routes are used and how often. But when dealing with legacy code, knowing dead routes will save you dozens of hours in refactoring. |
News and Announcements
Joomla 3.9.18 Release
Joomla 3.9.18 is now available. This is a bugfix release for the 3.x series of Joomla which addresses one bug.
Laravel 7.7 Released With Variadic Container Support
The Laravel team released v7.7.0 yesterday with container support for variadic constructor arguments, a handful of new HTTP client features, a rawIndex() Blueprint method, and all the latest new features, fixes, and changes in the 7.x branch.
Symfony 3.4.40 Released
Symfony 3.4.40 has just been released with a list of the most important changes.
Dutch PHP Conference - June 26th 2020, Amsterdam
In light of health safety recommendations from public health authorities, and our assessment of the duration of this pandemic, we will not be holding the DPC conference in Amsterdam as an in-person event. Instead of completely skipping this year, we have decided to set up a 1 day, single track online event on Friday June 26th. We will offer this event free of charge to all attendees.
SymfonyLive Warszawa October 5-8th 2020, Poland
Come for the conference to learn all about the latest developments with Symfony, share best practices, experience, knowledge and make new contacts with the great Symfony community from Poland! All talks will be in Polish, except for the Keynotes, which will be in English. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
ScotlandPHP Conference - 13-14th November 2020, Edinburgh
Join the worldwide PHP community for the fifth ScotlandPHP conference later this year. There will be 13 talks presented across 2 tracks, along with 3 workshops, to help you enhance your current skills and find out what's next for PHP and beyond. Blind Bird Tickets are on sale now and the Call for Papers is open until May.
SymfonyCon December 3rd-5th 2020, Disneyland Paris!
Symfony is proud to organise the 7th edition of the SymfonyCon. This year, we celebrate Symfony’s 15th birthday, already! For this special occasion, we decided to bring the entire community back to France in the beautiful city of Paris in a very magical place… We’re very pleased to invite you to join us at Disneyland® Paris for SymfonyCon 2020! Join us for talks, workshops, discussions and other serious work around Symfony and its environment… And of course, celebrate the community reunion and Symfony’s exceptional birthday! The Call for Papers is open and Tickets are on sale now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Internals News: Episode 50: The RFC Process
In this episode of "PHP Internals News", Henrik Gemal (LinkedIn, Website) asks me about how PHP's RFC process works, and I try to answer all of his questions.
Laravel Podcast Series 4: Episode 2 - The Ethos of Laravel, with Taylor Otwell
This episode is about The Ethos of Laravel, and Matt is joined by Taylor Otwell, creator of Laravel. They talk about what makes Laravel tick--why Taylor created it, how it's unique, what the driving forces are behind the decisions he made in creating it, and much more.
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 138: Tom Preston-Werner - Building Full-Stack JS Apps with Redwood.js
In this episode, Adam is talks to Tom Preston-Werner about Redwood.js, a new full-stack JavaScript framework for building edge-ready web applications.
Laravel News Podcast LN116 - Jam-packed Releases, GitHub For Teams and Better Middleware Arguments
Jake and Michael discuss Jam-packed releases, GitHub for teams, and better middleware arguments.
PHPUgly #186: Stealing Signs
This week on the podcast Eric, John and Thomas discuss vrous topics including the release of Laravel 7.6.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 74: Payment Processing, When To Extract Classes and Failure Alerts
Jake and Michael discuss the joys of payment processing, when to extract methods to dedicated classes, and handling failure alerts in thenping.me |
The 2020 Guide to Managing 40+ WordPress Websites
In this 60-page, completely free ebook, we’ll show you how to scale site management effectively using the right tools (and techniques) to increase your client intake!
A Week of Symfony #695 (20-26 April 2020)
This week, Symfony added support for different hosts per locale in routes, introduced a new syntax to stack decorators and improved security to make authenticators first-class security. Meanwhile, SymfonyLive Paris 2020 announced its new dates and several Symfony conferences announced their Call for Papers and Early Bird registration deadlines.
PHP Mentors
PHP Mentors Book is a set of questions with topics that can help a lot of developers out there (Not just PHP). To answer those questions I contacted about 200 personalities and senior PHP people around the world that came up with the material that you will have access.
Creating a Tweet Wall in 3 Minutes Using Laravel Dashboard
In this short video I demonstrate how you can display multiple Twitter feeds using laravel-dashboard.
“The Open-Source Mindset and the WordPress Community Were so Different Than What I’ve Been Used To.” – Anchen
Our today’s guest is known for her contribution to the field of digital marketing, web design, SEO, and much more. Let’s talk to her to know her story and explore new ways of digital marketing. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Laravel Boilerplate provides you with a massive head start on any size web application.
Flight routing is a simple, fast PHP router that is easy to get integrated with other routers.
This is an Agent written in PHP that implements the Intake API v2 scheme to send tracking information to Elastic APM.
Crater is an open-source web & mobile app that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates.
A php tool to lint and validate xml files from the commandline.
Leantime is a lean project management system for innovators. Designed to help you manage your projects from ideation to delivery.
Make your Laravel app comply with the crazy EU cookie law.
Declarative style of authorisation and validation in laravel.
Manage your photos with Piwigo, a full featured open source photo gallery application for the web.
NukeViet CMS is the 1st open source content management system in Vietnam.
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system.
It is probably the best SDK in the world for developing WeChat App. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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