Welcome to the latest edition of phpweekly.com.
Have a good week,
Stay Safe and Well.
All the best,
Ade and Katie |
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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Continuing our Initiatives to Support Online Businesses During COVID-19
Back in March when we realised that COVID-19 was going to be a pandemic, we decided that the Cloudways team would take measures to ensure business continuity for our users. To give you a quick overview of the Cloudways COVID-19 measures, we decided to relax our billing related thresholds, offered free service to COVID-focused nonprofit initiatives, and participated in several community support opportunities.
Ten Essential Steps to Ensure Your WordPress Website is Safe
WordPress is the most well-liked and in-demand content management system utilised by 75 million websites. It runs on PHP and MySQL database. But when it comes to the security concern for a WordPress website , hackers target the WordPress websites as it powers 35% of all the websites. Now there will be a question raised by the website owners asking “whether my WordPress website is secure”?
Part 2: Code Is The Most Expensive Solution
If you were to identify the most expensive part of any development project, what would that part be? The planning phase? Acquiring copyright or intellectual property? Marketing and advertising? All of these would be wrong.
The End is Near for Zend Server Basic PHP
Zend Server Basic, the free PHP runtime used by thousands of IBM i shops, will cease being offered starting in July 2021. That’s the word from Perforce, the company that now owns Zend and its lineup of PHP tools and technologies. The replacement, of course, is the new community edition of PHP that became available via RPM in late 2019.
PHP and WordPress Version Checks Coming to Themes
PHP and WordPress version checks are coming to the WordPress theme system — finally. The feature was pulled into core WordPress three days ago. It will prevent end-users from installing or activating a theme that is incompatible with their current version of PHP or WordPress. The change is slated to land in WordPress 5.5. |
Tutorials and Talks
How to Upgrade to Symplify 8 - From Sniffs to PHPStan Rules
Since Symplify 7.3, you might notice a few deprecation notices in your coding standards. As Symplify 8 release is synced with Symfony cycle, both will be released at the end of May. What to do with these deprecations? Why were these sniffs dropped? How to handle upgrades in 1 hour?
Creating Your First PHP File for WordPress
In this tutorial and screencast, I'll show you how to create a PHP file within a WordPress theme. I’ll also show you how to add some PHP code to the file.
MailPoet and WordPress Newsletter Plugins vs Mailchimp and Drip in 2020
There are many options when it comes to sending out email newsletters for your WordPress site. You can choose from dozens of plugins or dedicated services like Mailchimp or Drip. In this week’s post, we’ll take a look at some of these options. We’ll also see if there’s a clear and dry answer on when to use a plugin or a dedicated service.
How to Install PHP Extensions on CentOS 8
PECL, the PHP Extension Community Library, is a repository of C extensions that are loaded directly into PHP. This tutorial covers the installation of the PHP extension phpredis via the default CentOS 8 package manager DNF. It will also cover the installation of both PHP 7.4 and Redis on CentOS 8.
Laravel TALL Stack Preset
Do you enjoy using TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, Laravel and Livewire together? Well you’re in luck! Along with Dan Harrin and Ryan Chandler, we’ve just released a preset that can provide all of this out-of-the-box with sensible defaults to get you up and running with these technologies in a flash.
How to Submit Your WordPress Site to Google News and Google Discover
The aim of Google News is to filter through the world’s news and make timely news accessible to readers in a way that’s easy for them to read, understand, and put to use. So what does this mean for your website and your site? Lots of traffic, credibility and authority. If that sounds like something you’d like for your WordPress site (and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t) then read on to find out everything you need to know about how to submit your site to Google News.
Introduction to Objects and References in PHP Memory
In this article, I will talk about how object and variable references are controlled in memory, since this is an issue that can generate discussion and differing opinions.
Creating a User Registration System Using PHP and Mysql
A tutorial on creating a user registration system using PHP and Mysql.
How to Add New Fonts to WordPress
In this article, this post, I'll show you how to add new fonts to WordPress. Even better, I’ll show you how to get your hands on thousands of free custom fonts, from two of the Internet’s most popular online font repositories: Abode’s Typekit and Google Fonts.
How to Configure Magento 2 Elasticsearch
In the very competitive ecommerce industry, merely offering trending products is not enough. In order to stand out, your store needs to provide an awesome experience so that users remember your store and come back for repeat purchases.
How to Create Pagination using PHP and MySQLi
In this tutorial, we learn How to create pagination using PHP and MySQLi. |
News and Announcements
Laravel 7.12 Released
The Laravel team released v7.12.0 with a new TrustHosts middleware, along with the latest updates to the 7.x branch.
Dutch PHP Conference - June 26th 2020, Amsterdam
In light of health safety recommendations from public health authorities, and our assessment of the duration of this pandemic, we will not be holding the DPC conference in Amsterdam as an in-person event. Instead of completely skipping this year, we have decided to set up a 1 day, single track online event on Friday June 26th. We will offer this event free of charge to all attendees.
SymfonyLive Warszawa October 5-8th 2020, Poland
Come for the conference to learn all about the latest developments with Symfony, share best practices, experience, knowledge and make new contacts with the great Symfony community from Poland! All talks will be in Polish, except for the Keynotes, which will be in English. Early Bird Tickets are on sale now.
ScotlandPHP Conference - 13-14th November 2020, Edinburgh
Join the worldwide PHP community for the fifth ScotlandPHP conference later this year. There will be 13 talks presented across 2 tracks, along with 3 workshops, to help you enhance your current skills and find out what's next for PHP and beyond. Blind Bird Tickets are on sale now.
NomadPHP June 18th 2020 11:00am PDT
Introduction to Time Series, presented by David McKay. Time-Series has been the fastest growing database category, rated, by DBEngines, for over 2 years; yet, less than 15% store their time-series data in a time-series database. Do you?
NomadPHP June 18th 2020 18:00pm PDT
PHP's Going Static, so Don't Get Left Behind, presented by Karl Hughes. As PHP incorporates more features typical of statically typed languages (class properties, function parameters, return types), developers will need to adjust to a completely new style of programming in PHP. While many applaud these features, PHP's implementation isn't quite the same as many traditionally statically typed languages, so there are limitations and pitfalls to be aware of. In this talk, we'll dive into several examples of how statically typed PHP can improve developer experience and code quality while eliminating the need for a whole class of unit tests. Developers will see some of the "weaknesses" in PHP's strong typing, and get a hint as to where static typing in PHP might be going given the right community support.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Internals News: Episode 54: Magic Method Signatures
In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I chat with Gabriel Caruso (Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn) about the "Ensure correct signatures of magic methods" RFC.
PHPUgly #190: Consistently Wrong
This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas get basically everything they say wrong and are corrected by a new listener.
php[podcast] Episode 32: Headless Drupal, Replay Tokens, PHP 8, History and Computing, and more
We’re switching our episode format this month. We’re splitting into two episodes: one a discussion of the developer topics from the latest issue and a separate episode will feature an interview with a contributor. In this episode, we talk about the articles in the May 2020 Issue, Unsupervised Learning.
Post Status Draft Podcast - On Static WordPress, with Miriam Schwab of Strattic
Miriam Schwab is co-founder and CEO of Strattic, a business making a big bet on the future of WordPress — and in particular for using it to create static websites. In this interview, Cory Miller talks to Miriam about her journey to this moment, the Strattic product, raising money and more. |
A Week of Symfony #699 (18-24 May 2020)
This week, development activity focused on fixing some bugs and polishing some of the new features introduced in the upcoming Symfony 5.1 version, which will be released next week. Meanwhile, Symfony 3.4 and all the other versions were updated to add compatibility with PHP 8, which will be released at the end of the year.
3 Lessons Learned From Working at Home for 6+ Years
When Germany announced that most employees should be working from home due to Coronavirus, I was already in my seventh year of working from home. It’s fair to say that it is drastically different from commuting to work, having coworkers around you all day, being away from home for 8-9 hours, or just from your regular routine.
Announcing "Thinking Functionally in PHP"
Calling all PHP developers! Want to wrap your brain around functional programming? Are you sick of reading tutorials about this magic "monad" thing but having no idea how to read Haskell? Then this book is for you.
Nomad PHP May 2020 Updates
At Nomad PHP our goal is to empower developers in building a habit of continuous learning - and that means we have a habit of continuous improvement ourselves. Here are just some of the things we've done this year (with much more coming down the road)!
PHP Versions Stats - 2020.1 Edition
A quick note on methodology, because all these stats are imperfect as they just sample some subset of the PHP user base. I look in the packagist.org logs of the last month for Composer installs done by someone. Composer sends the PHP version it is running with in its User-Agent header, so I can use that to see which PHP versions people are using Composer with. CI environments are excluded on a best-effort basis. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by Laravel & VueJS.
This is a PHP7 bot API implementation for Telegram implementing the vast majority of Bot API up until v4.3. The only thing it does not implement is Telegram Passport which was introduced in Bot API v4.0.
This library provides a Request Handler to easily handle Websocket connections using amphp/http-server.
This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debugbar and attach it to the output.
PHP libraries and tools for the Nano currency.
Aimeos PHP e-commerce framework for ultra fast online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce.
A micro framework which modernises WordPress as a CMS development by providing tools to implement MVC and more.
Set of functionalities enable Arabic website developers to serve professional search, present and process Arabic content in PHP.
Ubilling is opensource ISP billing system based on stargazer.
WordPlate is a wrapper around WordPress to make developers life easier. It is just like building any other WordPress website with themes and plugins. Just with sprinkles on top.
The HttpFoundation component defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification.
The VarDumper component provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable. It provides a better dump() function that you can use instead of var_dump(). |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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