Welcome to the latest edition of phpweekly.com.
This week the first testing release of PHP 8.0.0 has been released.
Have a good week,
Stay safe and well.
All the best,
Ade and Katie |
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Does PHP Have A Future, Or Are Twenty Five Years Enough?
In June, 1995, Rasmus Lerdorf made an announcement on a Usenet group. You can still read it. Today, twenty five years on, PHP is about as ubiquitous as it could possibly have become. I’d be willing to bet that for the majority of readers of this article, their first forays into web programming involved PHP. But no matter what rich history and wide userbase PHP holds, that’s no justification for its use in a landscape that is rapidly evolving. Whilst PHP will inevitably be around for years to come in existing applications, does it have a future in new sites?
Why is Laravel PHP Framework Beneficial for Enterprise Application
Laravel is an open-source and free PHP web application framework used for developing web applications. The architectural framework followed by Laravel is MVC (Model-View-Controller). It is equipped with dignified and striking syntax. It focuses on the functionality of the app which helps the web developers and makes their task easy.
20 Best Mailchimp Alternatives for 2020 (Free and Paid Options)
Although many know Mailchimp as one of the most widely known email marketing tools in the business, it’s not the best choice for every business. That’s why in this article, we’ll cover all the main Mailchimp alternatives suitable for your business.
What's New in PHP 8
PHP 8 will be released on November 26, 2020. It's a new major version, which means that it will introduce some breaking changes, as well as lots of new features and performance improvements. PHP 8 is in very active development right now.
Understanding What Is Wrong With Meritocracy (Part Two)
Wow, quite a long time since I last wrote a blog post, which clearly hinted towards at least a part two one day. I recently started blogging elsewhere (more on that below) and kinda forgot about my old blog. Lately I have been getting spam on it though, which reminded me of this old post. So here comes part two. I should add that it didn't really take me 5 years to mature my thoughts on this topic, it just ended up that I communicated those thoughts in other places. |
Tutorials and Talks
How To Add A Custom Column To The Posts Admin Overview Page
In this article we will have a look at how we can add a custom culumn to the posts, or pages, overview in the WordPress admin. That page that lists all the posts or pages. There are many valid reasons why you would want to add a column here but in this article we are going to add a very silly column with a view post link.
How to Create, Write, Read and Delete Files in PHP
In this tutorial, we are going to learn file handling in PHP. I'll show you how to create, read, write, and delete files in PHP by using the built-in file handling functions.
Git Commit Without the Pre-Commit Hook
Quick tip if you want to skip the pre-commit validations and quickly want to get a commit out there.
PHP 8: A Quick Look at JIT
Following on from a PHP 8/JIT benchmark on twitter, I decided to have a look myself. I've picked an example that I know speeds up really well when reimplementing it in C. I wrote about this RDP algorithm some time ago.
WordPress and GitHub Integration – Live and Local Environment
While the idea of version control is decades old with popular tools such as Git being available for some time, the idea and implementation of version control via Git is still a bit challenging for users. This article outlines the use of Git in WordPress development and how developers can set up a Git-enabled WordPress development workflow.
How to Create a Monorepo from Existing Repositories in 7 Steps
It seems like PHP companies are opening to the most comfortable way to manage multiple projects and packages at once. I've heard questions like "how do we make monorepo if have like 15 repositories?" 3 times just last month - from the Czech Republic, Croatia, and the Netherlands. I'm so happy to see this because lazy dev = happy dev, happy dev = easy code to read. So how to start a monorepo if you already have existing repositories?
How to Change the Domain Name and URL of Your WordPress Site
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to change the domain name of your WordPress site without having to create a new site. By following along, you'll be able to change the WordPress site URL without losing any data.
A Simple Way To Debug PHP Applications
Debugging can be irritating sometimes and when it comes to debugging server-side code, it's can be daunting. Printing the variable values, stopping the execution, and then continue, sometimes it takes hours.
Refactoring to Livewire Polling
I recently started my first developer job at Enrise and my colleague Jeroen Groenendijk asked me if I wanted to participate in a side project he was planning. The envisioned Planning Poker tool should help in making estimations for development tickets/stories/epics, etc. In this blog post I want to show how we refactored our event-driven approach using WebSockets to using Livewire's polling mechanism. |
News and Announcements
PHP 8.0.0 Alpha 1 Available For Testing
The PHP team is pleased to announce the first testing release of PHP 8.0.0, Alpha 1. This starts the PHP 8.0 release cycle, the rough outline of which is specified in the PHP Wiki. For source downloads of PHP 8.0.0 Alpha 1 please visit the download page. Please carefully test this version and report any issues found in the bug reporting system.
Ready For A New World of Possibilities? Joomla 4 Beta 2 Is Here
Introducing Joomla 4, a brand new way for people to create and manage their content, developed and sustained by a global community of volunteers. Joomla 4 offers you a platform that is reliable, steady, secure and fully equipped with a wide variety of options to build any website.
EasyAdmin 3 is Released
EasyAdmin is an admin generator for Symfony applications. It helps you generate the backend of your projects by solving all the repetitive stuff (listing data, pagination, sorting, creating/updating entities, etc).
Guzzle 7 Released
The popular Guzzle HTTP client reached version 7 last week, with the exciting news that most users (the changelog says 95% of users) will be able to upgrade without modification. This release focused on increasing the minimum supported PHP version and introducing new language features found in PHP 7.
Symfony SAS Is Now An Official Training Center in France
Symfony SAS is now registered as an official training center of the Ile de France region. Any people working in France can use their «Training right» to fund our trainings organised before our Symfony conferences in France. For this year, you can apply for a funding at SymfonyLive Paris 2020 or SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2020. As this topic only applies to France, the following blog post will be written in French.
Free Webinar: Queues In Laravel - Tuesday 7th July 2020 2:00pm BST
During our upcoming webinar, Marek Surma – PHP Developer at The Software House, will present you an overview of how queues in Laravel work. And what are the similarities between these processes and the operations carried out at the post office.
Laravel Worldwide Meetup - July 14th 2020 18:00 UTC
Join the official Laravel meetup in the cloud. Learn from various familiar and new speakers. Chat with your fellow artisans.
Laracon US Online - August 26th 2020
As most of you are aware, Laracon US 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions around the world. As hinted during the cancellation, Laracon 2020 will be an online event, filled with amazing speakers and the latest Laravel announcements! Tickets are on sale now.
PHP.RUHR 2020 Web Development & Digital Commerce - November 4-6th 2020, Dortmund
Don't miss the seventh episode of one of the most outstanding PHP and web development conferences in Europe. This year's conference will be a very special one, because for the first time we will have a hybrid concept, which means that there will be visitors on site and there will be video streaming. Anyway, all participants will be able to get in touch with the speakers and with each other. Furthermore, there will be additional digital booths for sponsors. The Call for Papers is open now.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Internals News: Episode 59: Named Arguments
In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I chat with Nikita Popov (Twitter, GitHub, Website) about his Named Parameter RFC.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano
In this episode, Cal talks with Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano about composer and packagist.
Full Stack Radio Podcast Episode 142: Jason Cohen - Learning to Hire and Manage a Team
In this episode, Adam talks to Jason Cohen of WP Engine about hiring people to join the Tailwind team, figuring out what to focus on, and learning how to manage.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #215 - “Beef Marketing”
Tiny houses, RV's, the call of the open road and Meet Magento UK 2020.
PHPUgly #195: A New Branch Of Life
This week on the podcast Eric, John and Thomas discuss renaming of master branch, SQLite with PHPUnit, and more.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 78: Scheduled Tasks Alerts, Edge Casees and Honing Your Message
Jake and Michael talk through the final stages of preparation to unleash their Laravel scheduled task monitoring SaaS thenping.me to people signed up for the beta. |
A Week of Symfony #704 (22-28 June 2020)
This week, the upcoming Symfony 5.2 version finished the migration of its internal configuration from XML to PHP thanks to a massive effort from the Symfony community. Meanwhile, Symfony 5.2 also introduced some new options to configure HTTP Cache and configure Trusted Proxies using semantic configuration, without having to modify the front controller.
Here’s How Cloudways Improved User Experience for Karl Taylor Education
Karl Taylor Education is a leading online photography education website, offering hundreds of video classes (including regular and weekly live photography shows) to members around the world. This case study is all about how Cloudways has improved user experience for Taylor Education. Let’s read on!
What Versions of TYPO3 Run on Which Versions of PHP?
TYPO3 has one of the longest supported maintenance windows of any CMS on the market. But for some older versions of PHP and TYPO3, those windows are closing soon. If any of the software you rely on is approaching its “end-of-life” (EOL), it’s time to make a decision about your next steps to keep your sites secure and legally compliant. We've reached out to all site owners with TYPO3 v6.2 sites on the ELTS plan, highlighting the limited time remaining to help them plan their next move.
New Features in PHP 8
Two days ago the first “Alpha” of PHP 8 was presented, and PHP 8 is scheduled to release on November 26, 2020, only 5 months from now. This release is going to be huge! There are so many RFC’s already merged and still being discussed, that I can’t wait to begin actually using it. Let’s see what’s out there!
Hands-on with Portals: Seamless Navigation On The Web
Learn how the proposed Portals API can improve your navigation UX. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
Deploy your codebase into your web server with one Laravel artisan command.
This package makes it easy to develop Composer packages while using them.
This library helps you generate QR codes in a jiffy.
High level programming language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP.
A Laravel (php) package to interface with the geo-location services at geonames.org.
QueryPHP is a modern, high performance PHP progressive coroutine framework, we still focus on traditional PHP-FPM scenarios,with engineer user experience as its historical mission, let every PHP application have a good framework.
This command line tool makes it easy to implement a consistent project-wide usage of git hooks.
Asset Component is a port of Laravel 3 Asset for Orchestra Platform.
Portable WAMP software stack involving useful binaries, tools and applications for your web development.
A PHP framework for console artisans.
A very slight framework based on PHP7.2+ for universal API controlling.
PHP library to consume messages from any broker. |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
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