Welcome to the latest edition of phpweekly.com.
Lots of announcements from the php.net team this week, as well as WordPress and Laravel.
Have a good week,
Stay safe and well.
All the best,
Ade and Katie |
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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.
Microsoft Announces That It Will Drop Official Support of PHP on Windows
Dale Hirt, the project manager for PHP inside Microsoft, announced this week on the PHP mailing list that Microsoft is no longer going to offer official support of PHP on Windows starting at v8.
Why We Need Named Arguments in PHP
There's a new RFC in town for PHP 8, and its name is the named arguments RFC. If you're eligible to vote, or know someone who can: I want to ask you to take five minutes to read this, and to be clear up front: I want you to vote yes. Here's why from the point of view of a userland developer, both for client projects and open source.
Snapshot Through The Heart
In short, testing is constantly made easier with better tools and paradigms, like snapshot testing. It has become very prevalent these past years thanks to Jest, but as powerful as it is, it can also be misused just as easily. Here are a couple of dos and don'ts of snapshot testing that we've learned the hard way.
Xdebug Update: June 2020
Another monthly update where I explain what happened with Xdebug development in this past month. These will be published on the first Tuesday after the 5th of each month. Patreon supporters will get it earlier, on the first of each month. You can become a patron to support my work on Xdebug. If you are leading a team or company, then it is also possible to support Xdebug through a subscription. |
Tutorials and Talks
The Serverless LAMP Stack Part 3: Replacing the Web Server
In this post, you learn how to build serverless PHP applications without needing a web server. Later in this post, Matthieu Napoli the creator of Bref and Serverless Visually Explained, tells how the implementation of FastCGI Process Manager
How to Redirect a Page or URL in WordPress
In this post, I'll show you how to redirect a page or URL in WordPress. You'll learn how to set up automatic redirects, manual redirects, and wildcard redirects in WordPress.
Using Laravel's Signed URLs to Add Action Links to Emails
A few days ago, we improved the email notifications sent by Oh Dear. The email notifications now contain links that allow you to snooze further emails.
How to Create a PHP Random GUID Generator to Use in Scalable Web Applications
Scalable Web applications need to handle a large number of HTTP requests at the same time. Therefore, they may use multiple servers to still respond to many Web requests very quickly. Read this article and watch a short video that is included to learn how use a good GUID generator to handle better the accesses of many users using multiple Web servers and storing database records in database servers that may be running in different machines.
How to Add a Client Certificate to Postman
In this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can add a client certificate in postman for mutual authentication.
Cleaning Lady Notes: From Class Mess to PSR-4 Step by Step With Confidence
Today I'm starting a new post series - Cleaning Notes. These posts are for people who are aspiring legacy migrators with a vision to improve private PHP ecosystem and bring joy to coding with gigantic applications again. The same vision we have in the Rector team. |
News and Announcements
PHP 8.0.0 Alpha 2 Available for Testing
The PHP team is pleased to announce the second testing release of PHP 8.0.0, Alpha 2. This continues the PHP 8.0 release cycle, the rough outline of which is specified in the PHP Wiki. For source downloads of PHP 8.0.0 Alpha 2 please visit the download page.
PHP 7.4.8 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.8. This is a security release impacting the official Windows builds of PHP.
PHP 7.3.20 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.20. This is a security release impacting the official Windows builds of PHP.
PHP 7.2.32 Released!
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.2.32. This is a security release impacting the official Windows builds of PHP.
WordPress 5.5 Beta 2
WordPress 5.5 Beta 2 is now available! This software is still in development, so it’s not recommended to run this version on a production site. Consider setting up a test site to play with the new version.
Laravel 7.19 Released
The Laravel team released v7.19.0 with new scheduler frequency shortcuts, conditionally appending attributes to API resources and a new Stringable when() method.
Cancellation of SymfonyLive Warsaw 2020 and SymfonyLive Berlin 2020
Due to the unprecedent Covid-19 situation which spread accross the entire world over the past few months, we have taken the hard but necessary decision to cancel SymfonyLive Warsaw 2020 and SymfonyLive Berlin 2020.
Podcasts and Vlogs
PHP Internals News: Episode 61: Stable Sorting
In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I chat with Nikita Popov (Twitter, GitHub, Website) about his Stable Sorting RFC.
Voices of the ElePHPant - Interview with Kim Cottrell
Join host Cal Evans as he and his special guest Kim Cottrell talk about Lando, Docker and PHP.
Laravel Podcast Series 4: Episode 8 - Routing and Blade, with Caleb Porzio
Any web-based application routes all its requests through URL. Laravel’s routing allows you to define URLs, URL patterns, and HTTP Verbs to match you users’ incoming request to your application’s logic. And, while not all web-based applications return HTML, most do, so let’s also get familiar with Blade, Laravel’s templating language. In this episode, Caleb Porzio, creator of Laravel Livewire and Alpine.js, talks about routing and Blade.
MageTalk Magento Podcast #216 - MageTalk Classic: “Vinai the Verizon Guy” (w/ Peter Manijak)
From the archives - a never-before-released PRE-COVID interview recorded in Early Feburary 2020. We sit down with Peter Manijak from Magento Certification to talk about the forthcoming Magento Imagine at Adobe Summit. Listen now!
PHPUgly #197: Homework Assignment
This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas are back to discuss file structure conventions in Laravel, refactoring, new PHP 8 stuff, and much more.
North Meets South Web Podcast Episode 79: Handling Alerts, Command Pipelines and (un)masked Passwords
Jake and Michael discuss how they're tackling alerts and customer notifications in thenping.me, command pipelines, and the curious case of (un)masked password fields. |
The 2020 Guide to Managing 40+ WordPress Websites
Learn how top agencies, developers, and freelancers are efficiently maintaining a large number of sites without sacrificing performance or security.
A Week of Symfony #706 (6-12 July 2020)
This week, Symfony added future compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3 in Cache component and PHP 8 stack traces in Cache and Config components. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 5.2 version added support for non-ASCII chars in email addresses and a feature to allow overriding the default non-debug template.
New Video From Christoph Rumpel: PhpStorm Plugins for Laravel
In the latest episode of PhpStorm tips with Christoph Rumpel, you can learn about three tools that will improve your Laravel experience in PhpStorm.
php[architect] Magazine July 2020 - Warp Driven Development
Code is not an end in-and-of-itself. We write code to solve problems. However, there are multiple paths to get from here to there. How do you know you’re headed in the right direction when you start a project? This month, we look at applying event-driven design, getting started with test-driven development, putting your stakeholder’s needs in the driver’s seat when presenting, and more.
A Major Event in PHP eBook Now Available
In early 2019, the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG) released PSR-14, the Event Dispatcher specification. At the time I posted a long series of blog posts detailing PSR-14 in all its glory. After discussing with a few other FIG folks, I've decided to release that blog series as a small ebook. Mainly that is to provide an easy single-point-of-reference for those who want to really understand PSR-14. Also, it serves as a simple fundraiser.
Release of the Advanced Web Application Architecture Book
100% done. I'm happy to announce that my latest book "Advanced Web Application Architecture" is now complete. With ~390 pages it has become a well-rounded book full of useful design patterns and architectural principles built around the notion of object-pure code, that will help you create decoupled applications that are testable by definition, and support a domain-first approach to software development. |
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert. Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at [email protected] |
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries
A PHP implementation of socket.io-emitter.
With this library your users can automatically update their instance of your application to the newest version.
PHP-powered weblog engine that gives the user an easy way to maintain a blog. While the default package is designed for the casual blogger, Serendipity offers an expandable framework with the power for professional applications.
The Strava V3 API is a publicly available interface allowing developers access to the rich Strava dataset. The interface is stable and currently used by the Strava mobile applications. However, changes are occasionally made to improve performance and enhance features.
A crawler application with a PHP backend using Laravel, and a js frontend using vuejs, that finds email addresses on the internets.
ECG Magento Code Sniffer Coding Standard is a set of rules and sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer tool.
A full-scale PHP 5.4+ sandbox class that utilises PHP-Parser to prevent sandboxed code from running unsafe code.
Stapler is a PHP-based framework agnostic file upload package inspired by the Ruby Paperclip gem. It can be used to add file file uploads (as attachment objects) to your ORM records.
A crawler application with a PHP backend using Laravel, and a js frontend using vuejs, that finds email addresses on the internets.
AST based PHP Mutation Testing Framework.
Very fast and easy-to-use class, written in PHP, that puts the 'simple' back into 'really simple syndication'. Flexible enough to suit beginners and veterans alike, SimplePie is focused on speed, ease of use, compatibility and standards compliance.
Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and ultra fast e-commerce package for Symfony! You can install it in your existing Symfony application within 5 minutes and can adapt, extend, overwrite and customise anything to your needs. |
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