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April 28, 2022

Hi everyone,

It’s the last week of April and we're finishing it off with some great content. We would like to thank our readers who sent over their articles to be featured in this week's newsletter. For those of you who want to win a free copy of PHP & MYSQL: Server-side Web Development by Jon Duckett, you can still still join our 7 Day Book Giveaway. 

To enter Click Here.

We also want to give a shoutout to Óscar and our friends at the Spanish PHP Community and anyone in the EU region, to have a look at our job post section for work opportunities if you live near Barcelona.

We hope you enjoy this week's issue, and If you want to be featured feel free to reach out to us at Do follow us on our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook.

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All the best,


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PHP Became Strongly-Typed
One of the reasons why PHP has become a much-loved programming language among the web development community is because of its ability to adapt to times and provide anything you need to create sound applications.

What's New in PHP 8.2
PHP 8.2 will probably be released at the end of 2022, but there's no date set yet. In this post, we'll go through all features, performance improvements, changes and deprecations one by one.

15 Exciting PHP Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners
The best way to learn a top programming languages is through projects. They allow you to try out your knowledge of the subject while challenging your creativity.

Is Laravel 9 Really A Beast?
Laravel's recent version Laravel 9 includes the first LTS or Long-Term Support which introduced 12-month release support.

Stop using regular exceptions in PHP!
You might be wondering why I should stop using exceptions in PHP! well, to clarify in this tutorial will see two examples of using exceptions.

DDD Entities and ORM Entities
I was tweeting something about having separate "DDD" and "ORM" entities in a project in a project, and that I don't understand this.

 The funniest JavaScript Newsletter on the Internet
If you're interested in JavaScript and web dev (and spicy memes), you should check out the Bytes newsletter. I've got a feeling you'll like it.


PHP Developer - Barcelona, Spain - Hybrid (Remote and/or On Site)
Kooomo is a SaaS eCommerce platform, providing mid to enterprise-level digital commerce capabilities. In particular, Kooomo has strong USPs in key areas such as Internationalisation and Content Management and has been previously recognised by Gartner. We are looking for a dynamic, skillful and enthusiastic person to join our Development team. You must be based in the EU, fluent in English, and have 3+ years PHP experience building, optimising and debugging complex web applications. Additional experience in eCommerce and Agile environments would be beneficial. If you think you're the right fit then click the link and submit an application as we'd love to hear from you.

Senior PHP Developer - Barcelona, Spain - Hybrid (Remote and/or On Site)
Kooomo is a SaaS eCommerce platform, providing mid to enterprise-level digital commerce capabilities. In particular, Kooomo has strong USPs in key areas such as Internationalisation and Content Management and has been previously recognised by Gartner. We are looking for someone who delivers on their commitments, is committed to quality assurance, and enjoys working in a team. You must be based in the EU, fluent in English, and have 7+ years PHP experience building, optimising and debugging complex web applications. Additional experience in eCommerce and Agile environments would be beneficial. If you think you're the right fit then click the link and submit an application as we'd love to hear from you.
Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $75/week for an advert.  Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at

Tutorials and Talks

Service Providers in Laravel: What They Are and How to Use Them
For those who haven't actively used Service Providers in Laravel, it's a mystical "term": what "service" do they actually "provide", and how exactly does it all work? I will explain it in this article.

Set up PHP QA Tools And Control Them With A Makefile
In the fifth part of this tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we will setup some PHP code quality tools and provide a convenient way to control them via GNU make.

PHP Login System with Source Code
In this tutorial, we are going to build a PHP login form. This form consists of a simple login page in PHP with MySQL database.

Creating PHP Interfaces, Traits, And Classes Dynamically At Runtime
PHP is a wonderful dynamic language that's capable of many cool things. I recently stumbled upon something quite fantastic that I want to share with you.

Laravel 9 Tutorial #31
In Part-31 of the Laravel 9 Tutorial create a Multi-Vendor E-commerce Website in Laravel, we will continue working on the Categories module.

Integrate PHP application with Firebase
In this blog, we will learn how to integrate our PHP (Codeigniter 3) application with Firebase.

What Is Active Record Pattern & How Laravel Implements It With Eloquent
In this lesson, we go over what an active record pattern is & how Laravel implements it in its ORM package called Eloquent.

How To Generate A Full Tailwind Css Palette From A Single Color
You have an app where you allow users to select their brand color in order to style their website. Naturally, you use different shades of the color in your design - in some places you use ligher ones, and in other darker ones.

News and Announcements

PHPStan 1.6.0 With Conditional Return Types and More!
PHPStan 1.6.0 which has been in development for the past month or so brings a surprising amount of new features and improvements. Let’s dive right into them!

Laravel 9.9 Released
The Laravel team released 9.9 with a configurable pluralizer, getAllTables() support for SQLite and SQLServer, an Eloquent Builder convenience method, the ability to call throw() in a PendingRequest, and more.

New CakePHP 4.3 Strawberry.
The migration guide has a complete list of what's new in 4.3.0. We recommend you give that page a read when upgrading.

Create PHP Courses Inside PhpStorm With EduTools
At some point in your professional career, you may want to share your programming knowledge with your co-workers or students.

New in Symfony 6.1: Improved Routing Requirements and UTF-8 Parameters
In PHP, backed enumerations are enumerations where all its elements are backed by some scalar value.

Leaf 3 Release
It’s official! After almost of year of planning and a ton of preview releases, Leaf 3 has finally been released.

June 24, 2022, Dutch Php Conference Online Edition
Join us for a full day of insights, inspiration & community around PHP and Web Technology!

New in Rector 0.12 - Introducing Rector Config with Autocomplete
Rector is using Symfony container configuration to build the service model. While it brings automated autowiring, array autowiring, and native container features, the syntax to configure Rector has been complex and talkative.

Win a Book in our 7 Day Book Giveaway
Get a chance to win a copy of the book, PHP & MYSQL: Server-side Web Development by Jon Duckett. Join now to enter the book giveaway.

Podcasts and Vlogs

PHPUgly 283: An Ugly PHP Match
This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas talk about PHP Match, PHP Generators, SymfonyCasts, Composer, and more...

How To Code Well 153 - Self Hosted Vs Cloud Services
We’ve finally finished the 2nd pass of the PHP login course documentation. I will be doing a final run through on Sundays Twitch stream.

Maintainable Podcast: Paula Paul - Getting People To Understand Is a Challenge
Robby has a chat with Paula Paul, a distinguished engineer with Greyshore Associates, where she helps organizations adopt cloud-native technology and serves the community as an ABI Syster, diversity speaker, and mentor.

The Stack Overflow Podcast: Episode 435: How A College Extra-Credit Project Became Php3, Still The Bedrock Of The Web
The home team chats with Andi Gutmans, Google’s GM and VP of Engineering, Databases about the forgotten beauty of Pascal, why so many devs hate PHP, and why companies should prioritize the developer experience.

Software Engineering Radio Episode 509: Matt Butcher and Matt Farina on Helm Charts
Matt Butcher and Matt Farina, authors of the book Learning Helm, join SE Radio host Robert Blumen to discuss Helm, the package manager for kubernetes.

North Meets South Web Podcast: A Boy's First Footy Game, Scheduling Vestaboard Messages, And A Thenping.Me Update
In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss Michael taking his son to his first game of footy, approaches to handling variable message scheduling for Jake's Vestaboard, and a long overdue update.

WP Builds: 275 – Creating a Brand
We are on Season 2, where we are looking at The Design Process. Today we are discussing “Creating a brand”.

Reading and Viewing

A Week of Symfony #799 (18-24 April 2022)
This week, Symfony development focused on the upcoming Symfony 6.1 version, finishing some new features for it and polishing its already merged new features.

How The Php Middleware Pattern Works And Can Easily Be Applied
In this post we'll be looking at Middleware in PHP. This pattern is most common in the handling of requests and responses.

PHP 101: Classes and Objects
Whilst all programming languages have inbuilt variable types (string, boolean, integer etc.) that can store data it would be impossible to have the correct datatype for every data item we want to store.

The Irresistible Container — Functional Programming in PHP (Part 6)
This is the sixth part of a series of articles about Functional Programming in PHP.

Why TypeScript and PHP Are Good Friends
TypeScript and PHP are two modern programming languages that everybody wants to learn. Should you go for one or the other? The answer may sound surprising.

4 Ways to Format Your Code as a Developer to Make Your Code More Readable
They may seem unnecessary on the surface, but they will help your project look clean and readable.

Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9
Let's make a practical exercise applying Domain Driven Design. Our goal is to create a boilerplate to be used universally as base of any Laravel project.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

A package to handle the SEO in any Laravel application, big or small.

Minimal Lumen with vue and tailwindcss.

An SDK to easily work with the Oh Dear API.

Laravel 8 and 9 package to manage URL redirections inside your Laravel application using different data sources.

Url friendly engine.

PHP Enterprise (HA) High Availability Framework, develop quick and simple, deploy quick and consistent.

Highly opinionated PHP assertion framework providing clean and flexible BDD style API.

PHPExcelFormatter is class to make it more simple to get data from Excel documents.

reCAPTCHA Validator for Laravel 4.

Testing middleware package for OctoberCMS Plugins.

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 encrypt php scriptsProtect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 13. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.

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