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July 21, 2022

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is holding well and keeping cool despite the extreme weather we've all been experiencing lately. This week's newsletter highlights are in the tutorial section, featuring walkthroughs for installing PHP on Ubuntu and the latest PHP release candidate on a mac. There's also some insightful articles on Mockery in PHP and 10 recommendations for VS Code extensions for Laravel and PHP developers. 

We hope you enjoy this week's newsletter. If you have an article, tutorial or podcast that you would like to be featured in our newsletter, feel free to reach out to us at

Do follow us on our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook. You can connect with me on LinkedIn:

All the best,

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encrypt php scriptsProtect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 13. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.


The Evolution of PHP: From PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.2
I've got a pretty good example to illustrate how much PHP has changed over the past decade.

PHP Performance: Additional CPU Cores vs Faster CPU Cores
Some time ago, I received an email from a client experiencing slow performance issues with a LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP webserver).

What's New in PHP 8.2
PHP 8.2 will be released on November 24, 2022. In this post, we'll go through all features, performance improvements, changes and deprecations one by one.

Decoupling Your Security User From Your User Model
Why would it be nice to decouple your user model from the framework's security user or authentication model?

How to Secure Your Laravel Application: Get the Best Tips for Laravel Security
What are some of the best measures to protect yourself from such vulnerabilities?

Tutorials and Talks

Laravel Blade Hot Refresh With Vite
The Laravel team updated the first-party Laravel vite-plugin package to support full page reload on blade/arbitrary file changes.

Using Route Registrars In Your Laravel Application
Recently I came across a unique approach to loading routes into Laravel applications, and I wanted to share this with you.

Complete Laravel 8 Authentication Using Laravel Fortify and Bootstrap 4 — Part 2
In part 1 of this article, we looked at registration and login features using Laravel fortify and bootstrap as our frontend framework.

Invokable Custom Validation Rules In Laravel
Povilas demonstrates a nice little features that was recently added to Laravel.

Making Sure Routes, Config And Events Of Your Laravel App Are Cached In Production
A typical Laravel application will likely have many routes, config files and possibly some events.

How to install PHP 8.2 RC on Mac
PHP 8.2 is scheduled to be released on the 24th of Nov, 2022. Of course, meanwhile, you may test the new features, syntax changes, and other improvements in your local environment.

How to Install Multiple PHP Versions on Ubuntu 22.04
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install PHP on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS system. This tutorial is also compatible with Ubuntu 20.04, and 18.04 systems.

Regex(Regular Expression) in PHP You Should Know
In this tutorial you are going to learn some regex syntax or pattern and it’s meaning to under regex in PHP. Regex is looking complex but it’s not that much if you can find out the syntax or pattern meaning first.

News and Announcements

Longhorn PHP 2022 - CFP Open
We are currently accepting submissions for 50 minute talks and 3 hour tutorials. Talk ideas will be accepted until August 11, 2022.

Laravel v9.21.0 Released
Introducing a fresh new look for Artisan.

PhpStorm 2022.2 Beta 2
PhpStorm 2022.1 Beta 2 is now available! You can upgrade to the latest build using the Toolbox App or from our website.

A Week of Symfony #811 (11-17 July 2022)
This week, we focused on finishing several new features for the upcoming Symfony 6.2 version: Console added support for multiple choice questions; we applied the SensitiveParameter PHP attribute to all the parameters that can contain sensitive values such as security tokens and passwords; and we enabled the use of lazy-loading ghost object proxies in Dependency Injection.

Laracon Online Is Now Accepting Speaker Submissions
Laracon Online is returning on September 14th, 2022, and will continue to be streamed free for everyone on YouTube!

Podcasts and Vlogs

How To Code Well: 165 - Flaky Tests
A flaky test is a test that sometimes passes and sometimes fails. This usual happens randomly and is incredibly annoying.

PHP Ugly: 294: Packing Pachyderms
This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas talk about PHP Event Sourcing, elePHPants, PHP Version Adoption, and more...

The Stack Overflow Podcast: Code Completion Isn’t Magic; It Just Feels That Way (Ep. 464)
Meredydd Lyff, founder and CEO of Anvil, joins the home team to discuss code completion: what it is and how it works, from first principles to best practices.

North Meets West Podcast Managing Integrations, Gently Improving Coding Practices, And Housing Your Validation
Jake and Michael discuss using the concepts within Saloon to manage integrations with third party APIs, how a newcomer to a business can help an existing team modernise their development practices, and using Data Transfer Objects to push data validation to your application boundary.

WP Builds: 287 – When To Use 3rd Party Addons
We are taking contrasting approaches to getting our new businesses running and our first client’s site built.

WP Briefing: Episode 35: Five for the Future’s True Intentions
Josepha Haden Chomphosy tackles questions about the true intentions of the Five for the Future initiative.

Reading and Viewing

Statements vs. Expressions
So, a few years ago, I was teaching web development at a local coding bootcamp, and a student asked me this question: What's the difference between a “statement” and an “expression” in JavaScript?

7 Useful PHP Libraries You Should Use in Your Next Project
A developer’s best friends and lifesaver are libraries. I believe a good project makes use of some of the best libraries available.

Media Streaming with ReactPHP
Building Video Streaming Server with ReactPHP was a nice approach to building a streaming server with ReactPHP, which I could not see how to do as simple in Laravel.

How to use Mockery in PHP
Today I will give you a ten thousand feet view of a mocking library in PHP called Mockery which serves this very purpose of feeding mocked data at run time.

10 Awesome VS Code Extensions for PHP/Laravel Developers
Below, are my list of the Top 10 extensions I recommend for all Laravel/PHP developers, which will help you expand your productivity.

How to Get Your Pull Requests Reviewed Faster
After years of being an engineer, I've realize that the code review process creates real productivity problems in our day-to-day development.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Backend Optimizing Bundle.

Tailwind scaffolding for the Laravel framework.

simple mobile authentication for laravel framework.

An easy-to-use enumeration expansion package helps you manage enumerations in projects more easily.

Provides functionality for handling entities in an admin backend.

Portable UTF-8 library - performance optimized (unicode) string functions for php.

Lightning fast, minimalist PHP UserAgent string parser.

Highly customizable alternative to var_export for PHP code generation.

Strong cryptography tools and password hashing.

The Illuminate Conditionable package.


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 encrypt php scriptsProtect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 13. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.

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